Is this crazy? Or is it just that I'm irritated with Friend to begin with, so anything they do seems worse...
Friend is mad at their parents because Parents are going to spend Christmas day with Friend's Child-free sibling. Friend says the only place Parents should be on Christmas is with their grandkids and Child-free is trying to steal the grandparents away.
Friend knows several of the reasons why Parents and Child-free don't want to come over for the holiday (mostly because of difficult relationships with other relatives and inlaws that will be there) and has the nerve to say that "Now that they're grandparents, there are just some things they have to put up with."
Apparently Friend's ability to produce viable offspring also puts them in charge of Parent's holiday schedule from now on.
Am I alone in thinking that if Friend really wants Parents to come over for Christmas, it's up to Friend to carve out a little time when Parents can be there without other difficult in-laws and relatives? And if they can't/won't do that, then Friend needs to just accept Parents giving gifts to the grandkids on a day other than Christmas.
Re: Kids= excuse to act totally crazy????? vent
I think it's a little of both.
I think you're upset with Friend and anything they do will add to the frustration. But with the same token, I think if they really wanted to spend time with their parents they would make adjustments to accommodate. If this is the child's 1st Christmas I think that the grandparents should make every effort to be there.
I don't have kids nor do I plan to anytime soon but my brother has a son and if my parents wanted to spend time with his family instead of mine that's fine too...not having kids gives me the freedom to go ANYWHERE in the world I want to. If Hubby and I decide to go to Morea or Fiji for Christmas it doesn't matter because we have the flexibility to do so. Maybe Friend's siblings had the same idea and Parents wanted to make sure they didn't flea?
I'm not exactly sure what the situation is and why you're so upset over Friend's situation but my personal advice would be to slow down and put everything into perspective...unless I'm totally clueless and Friend is code for someone other than a friend I would probably let this one go and worry about the other things I have to figure out.
Good luck though.
It's just so irritating that Friend believes what they say. Once someone becomes a grandparent, the can only be with their grandkids on holidays, even if that means putting them in an incredibly awkward/ difficult/ uncomfortable situation. I keep trying to tell them that they can invite anybody they want to Christmas, but they have to respect when people say no. Friend is laying a huge guilt trip on their parents in an attempt to manipulate them into coming.
I don't have kids either, so I'm totally horrified that Friend thinks that Child-free is "stealing the grandparents." Whatever. Are they stealing them, or saving them from having to attend a horrid situation? And why is Child-free unworthy of their parent's attention on Christmas? Friend just keeps coming back with, "But they're grandparents now. They have responsibilities."
I can't stop rolling my eyes. No they don't. I'm pretty sure you didn't consult the grandparents before you decided to have kids. Pretty sure they were not part of the equation at all.
Plus,these people see their grandkids like 4 times a week. It's not like they only come to visit a couple times a year. But Friend seems to think there's something wrong with their kids opening grandma and grandpa's present on a different day and one set of grandparents not being there on Christmas morning.
Also, Friend won't speak up about the other relatives. Friend's in laws are there Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, and another day before that. Your in-laws get 3 days, but you can't/ won't carve out an afternoon for your own parents? If they were really so important, you'd find a time for them.
No, grandparents do not have responsibilities to those kids. That's what makes them grandparents. Parents and teachers have responsibilities to kids, the rest of us are free to throw up our hands and yell "Not my kid!" whenever we please.
If you didn't get a say about the kid being born, it's not your job to do anything for them unless you want to. I think this goes twice as hard for grandparents, who already did their time as parents are should be free to live life as they want now. I'm sure often that means they want to be with the grandkids, but if they don't this time around? Boo-hoo, move on.