Baltimore Nesties
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Wow, we are really slow here!
So what's on your mind today????
I have UMD commencement today at 11:30, after that I will be done with work until Jan 2nd!!
Re: Wow, we are really slow here!
Seriously, no new posts at all yesterday!!
I am annoyed that DH scheduled a procedure for New Years Eve that will likely make us miss our dinner plans. And now I am supposed to call and try to change the reservation this close to NYE. Riiiiight.
I have a lot of work to do at work, but I don't feel like doing anything. I can't wait until our holiday party tomorrow and then I am off for 4 days.
I did a crappy job with DH's Christmas gifts. I kind of got him an IOU for one thing, but I feel like that's really lame.
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w -- BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w -- BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d -- BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
Decorate This
I can't wait to get out of here today. I'm off tomorrow and we're closed Monday and Tuesday so all that's on my mind is going home and taking care of the 102934 things on my "to do" list.
My vent is that I'm annoyed at our Admin Assistant. I forwarded her an email on Tuesday with an Excel spreadsheet to work on and told her in the email and then verbally right after I sent the email that when she was done to save it and send it back to me. She did an awesome job and was really quick with a task however...she just forwarded it to 2 higher ups and CC:d me on it rather then letting me know that she was done with it. Kudos for the initiative, but if I'm telling you to let me know when it's done, isn't that a red flag that there is probably more to the project?! So now I have to backtrack on her email and explain to them that internally there are 2 parts to the project and that I'm sending the spreadsheet to another agency for them to verify the information that we don't have access to. Information that the 2 higherup's didn't really have to know to begin with. I probably wouldn't be as annoyed if she didn't do this sort of crap all the time.
still trying to find my christmas spirit and wondering when the hell i am going to wrap presents.....
annoyed because i am getting a shit_ton of work dumped on me and I took 3 days off next week, and everyone wants it like RIGHT NOW
I'm about to drop-kick my coworker in the cube next to me. For the past two days, he's been coughing all day. Two things: a) Go home. I don't want your cold. b) Get a drink of water. It will help you instead of clearing your throat a million times.
People have been driving me nuts lately. I really think the holiday madness drives people to insanity!
I haven't wrapped a single present and I'm a little stressed over it.
I ordered DD's dress and after I ordered it I found out it is being shipped from the UK. They cannot give me a tracking number and I'm worried it won't come in time for Christmas Eve. I need to get her a back-up dress just in case.
Probably flameful, but I'm annoyed that it hasn't been announced that we are closed on Monday. I want off without having to use my leave darnnit.
I feel very pouty about my office move tomorrow. and that we had a "department party" today that our group was like 5 minutes late to and missed.
I haven't wrapped a single present and I'm not concerned about it either. I'm sure it'll get done. We put ornaments up last night. I still don't have a present for my Dad, the one good thing I got, I gave to DH for his dad, thinking I'd think of something for my dad, but I haven't . ... I think I may just get him a sweater from Nordstrom or something.
DH wants chinese for dinner tonight and their are no good places in the Abingdon. I'm trying to finish up work and he keeps texting me suggestions. It would be nice if we could go out to dinner with both kids, but that's not very likely.
Is this day dragging or what??
This day is dragging horribly!
Re: present wrapping. I have wrapped a grand total of 4 which I just did last night. I commented that I had many more to do and DH offered to help "if I could deal with his messy wrapping" but I think I'd just rather do it myself
I've got
this weekend!
I also have to buy at least 1 or 2 more gifts and I have no idea about them.BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w -- BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w -- BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d -- BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
Decorate This
Yeah I am the same way!
This sounds like my office too. Drives me nuts.