This morning DH asked me what I want for our anniversary. It's in May, so I haven't given it much thought. We are going on a 3-day trip to Disney (I won tickets on the radio). And I am planning on getting him a $550-ish watch. When he asked what I wanted, I said a new phone or maybe a necklace, but he said he needed more ideas. I honestly don't know what to tell him. I enjoy cooking, but cook-books aren't really needed because I get my recipes online. I like clothes, but we already have a clothing budget for each month, so I buy them for myself.
Any advice on what else I should ask for??
ETA: It is our 3-year anniversary and we didn't do anything for our 1- or 2-year anniversaries, so I'm assuming that's why DH wants to get me something "big."
Re: Anniversary
A special outing while at Disney? Spa? Special excursion?
Separately, depending on the prize dollar value amount of your winnings (the trip) may have to pay taxes on it. Just FYI in case you need to save some extra money for that that shouldn't get spent on gifts.
Thanks, we have already set money aside for this.
I think I am going to ask for tickets to circ de soleil in Disney- the last time we went it was closed for renovations
Also a spa day would be nice!
This is a great idea. Excursions are pricey and something that you can't always do while on vaca. I would choose something you will probably never get the opportunity to do again.