My husband and I chose to put our cat down this past Monday because she had stopped using the litter box and had not been herself for months. We felt it was time after considering it for weeks and now we both have major regrets after the fact. I know that having litter box issues is one of the signs that it is time, but we just feel SO guilty now that we didn't deal with the litter issues in a different way and let her either pass away on her own or allow her to give us a more substantial sign that it was time. I know mourning is a process and that it has only been a few days since we put her down, but my husband is an absolute wreck over this and I'm having a hard time supporting him, while also mourning myself. Our condo is so completely cold and empty and we have a hard time being there now too.
Is this normal? We both feel like we have lost a child, which I know pets are like children, but I never expected it to be THIS hard.
Thanks for listening.
Re: Major mourning over loss of cat
Some take comfort in adopting a new pet right away, to fill the emptiness that is left while others just aren't ready for a long time. It's a personal choice.
They see us rollin'...they be hatin'.
First off, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy to say goodbye to a beloved pet. ::hugs::
Secondly, it does take time. You and your H need to take the time and be sad, mourn the loss, cry about it, whatever you need to do. Take comfort in knowing that she's no longer in pain, or didn't get to the point in her life where she was in pain. You did what was best for your family.
**6.30.12** I have found the one whom my soul loves.
I still cry and get sad over my dog who was put down December 2009. I will always have so much love for him and he will always have a spot in my heart.
I am so sorry you are going through this. Give yourself time and give yourself permission to feel sad.