Hello! We just bought a house with cherry wood laminate floors and pine colored cabinets (with kind of a pinkish undertone) in the kitchen. Backsplash is shades of tan to brown. Right now the wall color is a shade of dark beige or tan that washes out the whole kitchen. The kitchen opens into the dining area which has blue-gray walls, which opens into the living area which has a brown wall and a lime green accent wall. The connecting wall (living/dining) is cream. So there's a lot of colors going on in this open area.
Any suggestions for wall color in the kitchen? I would like a color that doesn't wash it out like the current beige, and I'm not sure if a whole new color is a good idea, or if we should choose one of the existing colors (you walk in and can see all these areas/colors at once). I was thinking the brown from the living room would match the other colors in the kitchen nicely, but it might clash with the dark blue-gray of the dining area, which we are keeping. Playing around with online color tools shows that a brighter pink of all colors really brings out the cabinets-- is that way too much (especially with the lime accent wall in the living room)?
If anyone is able to envision what I've just described and provide any suggestions, thank you very much!!
Re: Kitchen wall color
I don't see a problem with the pink clashing, especially if it is the color that works the best in that particular room. The way I am seeing it in my head, the blue-gray would work with the pink (I personally think that both blue and gray look good with pink, though I'm not totally sure if the color leans more towards blue or gray) and it would be a nice splash of color to balance it out. As far as clashing with the living room, I am understanding that the kitchen and living room are separated by the dining room? In that case, the two rooms are so separated that they shouldn't have a major impact on each other.
**6.30.12** I have found the one whom my soul loves.