I am having a birthday party for my son who is turning five. I have hired a company that will be bringing in some reptiles, snakes, etc. and her "show" is an hour. My question is about the timeline. The party is at 1pm and I can have her start her show at 1:15pm or 1:30pm ( she isn't real flexible on time). My thought is this:
1:00-1:15 guest arrive, have toys out to play w/etc.
1:15-2:15 Nature show
2:15-2:30 Eat pizza
2:30-2:45 Cake
2:45- 3pm Presents
Is this timeline ok? Should I have the kids eat pizza first, then do the show...then cake, presents? Not everyone arrives on time so I don't want those to miss out on eating either....or maybe I shouldn't serve food besides cake? It's kind of a late "lunch".
Any help appreciated as it's my first party for him.
Re: Kids birthday party timeline help
It's a really tight timeline. Do kids really eat anything in 15 mins? I'd have some food before the show and do that at 130. Then have the cake right after washing hands. I'd consider not opening the presents.
Or I'd do the show at 115 and only have cake after washing hands.
(I'm imagining the kids touching the reptiles so handwashing will be important)
Can you move the party up a little bit?
Something like this....
12:00 Arrival
12:15-1:30- Pizza, Cake, Games, Open Gifts if time permits
1:30- Show
Go home.
Side note....do kids not have organized games at parties anymore?
1:15 show first, then I'd just have cake and ice cream. Kids don't eat at parties anyways and that's late for lunch. Then presents and home.
1 - 1:30 pizza
1:30 - 2:30 show
2:30 - 3 cake
Baby Boy loved for 15 weeks, 5/31/11
Baby Girl loved for 16.5 weeks. 3/1/12