Good Morning! A few years ago I was a regular poster. Unfortunately life has happened and I'm not able to get on very regularly anymore. However, I recall the people on this board as being very helpful and kind. I learned soo much when I was on here!
I wasn't sure where else to turn right now, so I'm hoping you can all help me out a bit.
I think my cat has worms, but it is Sunday so I can't call the vet. I also can't get a sample to them until Tuesday morning. Also, my dog probably has them as well because he ate the cat excrement about a week ago (an area that is usually blocked off with a babygate since the two pets don't get along at all).
I'm wondering what I should do for my cat and dog: Wait until Tuesday to take samples or is there a way to get meds for them before that (I'd assume not bc different meds for different worms right?)? I'm also concerned about my human family members as well. Are these worms something we could contract? I have a toddler and I'm pregnant--DH I'm less concerned about. How often should I be washing bedding/ blankets/ etc?
If it helps, the worms were white, rectangular, and about 1/2" long at most.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
I appreciate you letting me crash the board like this asking for help as I'm sure that I'm not remembered at all anymore! Thank you!!
Re: Good Morning, Need some advice please :)
Based on your description it sounds like tapeworms. They tend to look like wiggly grains of rice, but if some segments are still together they can appear longer.
The good thing about tapes is that they are disgusting but generally not a major issue for a cat or a dog. I recommend calling your vet tomorrow tell them what you see, they may go ahead and give you a dewormer for tapeworms since they can't always be seen on a fecal float and then you get a sample to them as soon as you can.
Is your dog and cat on heartworm and flea prevention? Most of those products also get a majority of intestinal parasites as well (except tapes!) so as long as they are I wouldn't be too worried about it. Yes get it taken care of but its not necessarily an emergency.
As far as people goes we have to eat feces to get infected by worms. So as long as you are cleaning the litter box regularly and washing your hands afterwards you should be ok. You, as a pregnant woman, and your child should avoid the box as it is just as an extra precaution. Typically bedding is not an issue for transmission of worms because they come out in the poop. If your cat is long haired you may want to check under her tail because sometimes tape worm segments get caught in the hair, but I wouldn't be to worried. They little segment isn't infective to us at that stage.