So, we're not exactly swimming in cash but we get by just fine and always make it till the end of each month. Now, my birthday is in March, and DH's sister's is also in March, a few days after mine. We've got a bit of extra cash coming in but not a huge amount. DH basically said "Oh I feel bad that I can't get you anything for your birthday this year because we have other things to pay out for" What are those things? Oh. His sister's birthday. Now, I'm not one for extravagant gifts, I already told him I'd be happy if he baked me a cake, but he said we can't afford the extras.
Bit of background, basically his sister detested me when we first got together, eventually we shook hands and now we get on. She still refused to come to our wedding though, and doesn't bother speaking to us. We saw her over Christmas for about 30 minutes, so yeah.
I'm not sure if I'm just being unreasonable, or whether I should be allowed to be a little bit p****d that he's happy to fork out money for his sister's birthday, who he never sees and doesn't really get on with, but frankly and plainly told me he can't get me anything. I'd be happy with a cake or a sentimental card, but no. We have to spend money on HER.
So am I being nasty or is it a bit unfair?
Re: Am I being selfish, or is this a bit unfair.
What does "paying for" his sister's birthday mean? Is there going to be a party? Buying a gift?
It's clear that you and your DH are not on the same page as far as this woman goes though. I'd talk to him.
But - from what you say, I'd be pissed. This woman didn't come to your wedding and you all have hardly anything to do w her, but he feels he has to spend what little extra money you all have on HER? AND at the expense of you?
Yeah.... we'd be having a talk about that.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
This. You're not being unreasonable at all. You need to talk to him, but your relationship should be the priority.
This...yea I would have made it known the second I found out.
You are NOT being selfish of unfair! I would be absolutely p*ssed!
He could at least get you a card or something small!
I would talk to him about it. What is he planning on buying for his sister?
I don't care how much money your H has or does not have, he can shell out a few dollars on a card. If he has to skip lunch one day, then so be it. Your his wife and you deserve a card. There's no excuse! And as an FYI, you can buy some cheap cake mix and icing at the dollar store. You should get your cake too!!
"A women who can kneel before the Lord can stand up to anything"
Thanks guys! :-) I have spoken to him and he said 'of course you'll get something'... so um, not sure what he was waffling on about before. Maybe he realised he was being an idiot!