I'm not sure where to post this so thought this might be a good place.
A local fitness/wellness center is offering a self defense workshop in April for 2 hours and it's $50/person. I've always wanted to do one of these and was thinking about having my Mom too. They also send you home with a handout on basic safety information, self defense principles, and a summary of the techniquies learned during the class.
Has anyone here ever done one of these? I'm sure it's a stupid question to ask whether we should or not, since self defense for women is very important. Just thought I'd see if anyone had any feedback. I'd also ask if the price is reasonable, but then again, I think it's probably well worth $50 to be able to protect oneself from a possible attacker.
Re: Self Defense Class- Ever take one?
I took one back in high school. The Tae Kwon Do place I went to hosted one, so I did it. I think it ran about the same in terms of cost and was about the same in length of time.
I found it useless. You get a lot of information and tools which is great and all.. but I'm not much of a believer that self-defense classes really help.
Here's the thing to keep in mind: Self Defense classes are not going to make you able to fight. The best thing that they will do is show you what to look out for to prevent yourself from coming to harm (staying away from alleys, if you think someone is following you, walk into a group of people, etc), and some best practices/things to keep on you to minimalize any fighting (mace in your purse, rape whistle, running into a crowd and screaming, etc).
The only way to really be able to defend yourself in a physical sense is taking repeated lessons in martial arts. Just because a guy shows you once how to roll somebody over your shoulder, it doesn't mean that you've now got the instincts and muscle memory to do so without hesitation when it comes to a real world situation.