This time of year, we get a lot of Barn Owl nest calls b/c they love to nest in tree stands and hunting blinds. We don't know the full, TRUE story on this guy but we think the ladies husband was clearing out his stand in a hunt club in Sumter Co. The eggs were dumped on the ground and this little guy's shell was cracked and they noticed he was breathing. Lady has had it since last Sunday and it hatched completely overnight...probably a premature hatching at that. She did a good job considering she didn't know what she was doing and fed it Dove (soooo much better than bologna or chicken). We got it Friday. In the pix he's 7 days old and is doing so good now. He started going downhill Sat night, but after some meds is doing really well. I'll keep changing my siggy as he grows (it happens so fast). I think his eye's are starting to open now. We feed him every 2-3 hours and I've been getting up at least 2 times a night to feed him. Tiring, but so worth it!
Re: The Baby Barn Owl's Story
that's great he's doing so well!
i got to feed baby screech owls last year and it's such an awesome thing.