So I posted a few weeks ago about trying out the Tidy Cat Breeze. I followed the instructions about adjusting your cat to the litter box. I kept their litter box but put this one out and eventually stopped scooping their regular litter box in hopes they would use the clean one. No such luck. The just peed on the floor next to the box.
As a last resort I took away their regulat litter box and made this their only litter they could use. It worked!!! I was so excited and they have been using this litter ever since so I am probably going to buy another one.
I just want to say that I LOVE this litter system. I only have to scoop the poop and the pee just disappears. It's amazing! Plus no litter tracking all over the house.
After a month of disappointment from them not using it they finally did when it was their only option. Hope this helps anyone looking to try it.
Re: Tidy Cat Breeze Update