well i did it! i crossed that finish line and got my medal and i feel like a new woman. i ran for 13 miles but i started to worry that i was doing to well and decided to power walk, like fast. my goal was to finish. i didn't have time in mind or a PR to beat or reach too, i just wanted to finish strong and feeling good and i'm so grateful that i did. i ran the last mile and i felt like a million bucks. i got blisters, but who cares. i was on such a mental high. i saw my husband and son at the finish line and burst into tears like never before. it truly was one of the happiest moments of my life. i wish this feeling on everyone.
i'm really really glad i stuck to my training and especially my long runs. i never skipped a long run. because of illness (shitty to train during cold and flu season) i only got to train to 18 miles on the long run, but i stuck to those religiously. yes i felt pain, but it was familiar pain. i tapered, stretched and rested the week before and the night before i got a good sleep.and clean eating the week before really made a difference on so many levels. my husband surprised me and got me a hotel room, i was shocked but i got a great night sleep and it made the difference. of course we can't do this every race, but next time i'm locking myself in a room and sleeping alone. it actually helps! the fear and nervousness never left me, but i'm so glad and grateful i did it. it was a life long dream.
and if i can do it....anyone can do it.
Re: follow up: first time marathoner