Hi! Hopefully I can answer some of your questions...
Elfster will do the draw once everyone has responded. You'll ne notified by email, who was picked for you. Your questions will by asked by your secret santa and you should receive email alerts about that(be sure to check your spam filter) and you'll be able to anonymously ask questions to your draw.
If I remember correctly, you can add your address to your account or profile page.
And you can buy the ornament ANYWHERE you'd like to. Target, WalMart, Hallmark...just about anywhere. :-) It'll be up to you to deliver or mail the ornament.
Hope that helps some!!! Let me know if you h ave any other questions!
Re: WishIwereahousewife
Thanks Doll!
I was so confused - I thought they were the retailer and I was looking through their store and couldn't find any ornaments. Dummy me!!
Can't wait - this sounds fun!!!