Have any of you ever just felt stuck? We really want to get back to Birmingham- Montgomery just hasn't been the place for us. DH has been on the job hunt but with the economy it is slow. I really want to go back to school in the fall. The program I want to attend is only offered at UAB though. We really want to buy a house but obviously aren't buying one here since we want to move. It is just so frustrating!! We are finally in a place where we can do so many things that we want to do and have worked hard for and we are just stuck! I feel bad even feeling this way because we both have good jobs here and there are so many people being laid off and not able to find a job. But I guess you can't help how you feel!
Sorry I know this is a depressing post but I had to get it out!! It has been eating away at me all day!
Re: frustrated
Welcome to our world. I hate my job, we can't move or look for new jobs til the season/school year is over. We don't even know really where we want to be (I want to stay here of course) until we see what jobs are available to Brad.
Plus, we are really stuck until that condo sells.
Can't start TTC til we get rid of a house!!!
I feel your pain honey, really I do.