I got Mirena about a week ago and I'm wondering if others have experienced some of the same things I have (i.e. my symptoms are normal). My cramping has never been severe, but it does require that I take something every day. It's been intermittent since I got it put in, and I was expecting it to be over by now. I also had MAJOR bloating/water retention which is something I've never experienced before. I actually gained like 5 lbs from it. Luckily, it seems to be subsiding, but did anyone have that?? I thought it was bizarre. I've also had this burning breast pain for the last couple of days. I've had breast pain before with my cycle, but not really anything like this sensation This may be TMI, but I've also been super dry ever since. That was actually one of the side effects I hated about the pill. I was hoping it would go away with Mirena, but it's actually been worse so far. Has anyone experienced that?
Also, what do your strings feel like? What I'm guessing is the threads basically feels like this thin, pointy, stiff wire. I can't tell very well because I can only reach the very tip of it, but does that sound about right?
I'd love to hear about anyone's experiences, so I know if I should call my doctor or just ride it out. Also, if you could let me know how long your side effects persisted, that would be good to know, too. Thanks!
Re: Your experience with Mirena...
I had serious bloating and felt like I needed to eat 50 portions of everything. That eventually went away after I gained 10 lbs. Your body will get use to the foreign object and hormones, but it will take a few cycles.
I am going to be honest...