When we say "I do" we make the vow to stay together with our partner in sickness and in health. A friend of mine took that vow just over a year ago and is now watching, practically helplessly, as her husband is battling stage 4 brain cancer. After a year of treatment and chemo, things were looking up for him. He was making progress and the tumor had gone down. The doctor took him off of some medication thinking he didn't need it anymore. Within a week, he suffered a stroke that has left him paralyzed on his left side and struggling to do anything for himself.
I think about what I would do if it were me watching my husband go through this, and my heart breaks. They are so in love and have so much time ahead of them to enjoy (we hope). This couple needs our prayers and support. I am attaching a link below if you want to know more about their story and make a donation towards their financial needs, but mostly, they need your prayers. Any comments you have for them, I will be sure to forward on.
EDITED BY ADMIN: Please do no solicit for money.
Re: Married and Sick...
I'll skip my usual "you're banned" remark to say this:
I don't know if you are well intended...or if you are a scam.
Either way, soliciting is not allowed.
Do remove your post. Do it, because a mod will and you'll be banned.
Oh Tarpon, you're so heartless! How can you be sure that paypal@bill's brain tumor is not really just an innocent fundraising attempt for OP's dream wedding and honeymoon? Everyone deserves their dream wedding - asking strangers to pay for it is showin
Chronically hilarious - you'll split your stitches!
I wrote a book! Bucket list CHECK!
My prayers are with them all the way. I hope they can conquer this wall continue with their love.
My money is better served for myself. That said I can say this
"prayer healed me". Said nobody ever.