There should be a thread on this. Jonathan Karl and Steven Hayes have done reporting on the subject.
Chris Stevens, Tyrone Wood, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith RIP
The newest discussions on the subject include the following:
a) talking points that were changed to leave out Al-Qaeda
b) possible demotion of a Benghazi whistleblower
c) assertion that they knew early on that it was terrorism, but blamed a video and a spontaneous demonstration
Susan Rice went on five Sunday shows on September 16, 2012, 5 days after the attacks, to discuss the Benghazi matter, sticking to the "it was because of the video" argument that has since been discredited.
Re: Benghazi hearings
I am surprised that so many people have no interest in this subject.
As far as your number three, as I understand it, they were watching things unfold in real time and knew from the very beginning that this was not due to a video.
I hate just being out and out lied to by my government. How can we trust these people on anything?
you can't at least I don't anyways. I do believe hilary is not at fault
I'm not. They're slavish lapdogs who think of Obama as the Christ.
I'm surprised that so many people care SO deeply about Benghazi but couldn't give a s-h-it about the Iraq war, which had far, far greater consequences and destroyed far more people's lives.
But then, this isn't really about anything more than scoring political points, so I guess I'm really not surprised after all.