So DH and I have 5 tomato plants on our porch in individual pots. I'm not sure what specific kind of tomatoes they are, but they are large tomatoes (not cherry or romas, etc...). They have been planted for about 4-5 weeks or so. We water them about every other day, and they get good sun. There are 3 tomatoes about the size of a small apricot on 3 different plants. One plant has not sprouted any fruit yet, but it has flowers. The other plant has a very small (marble-sized) tomato. All of the tomatoes are still green.
The three largest tomatoes have not grown in size at all in at least 2 weeks. DH even put miracle grow on them, which didn't do anything. Are we doing something wrong or are they just dud plants? Google didn't offer much help. Thanks!
Re: Question about my tomato plants (semi-long)