Last December, I stopped taking BCP (after years of dedicated use) in order to start charting instead. I starting feeling like being on them would mean more trouble in end & had bff with blood clots and thyroid cancer, which kinda scared me into stopping them. I was going to wait to start charting until AF came.
Boy, was I right to be scared... I haven't had AF yet. So around the 6mo. mark I went to my gyno and had blood tests done. They called to tell me all my levels were fine and now I have no idea where to go from here...
Their options to me were #1: to get back on BCPs (which I DONT want to do) or #2 Start going down the road of TTC (which I'm not completely sure I want to do yet either) My impression after the appt. was that they wanted to induce a bleed either way; I want to know: is this necessary?
I have to mention that I'm not underweight and don't exercise too much. I also must mention that I have figured out within the last year that I definitely have a gluten-intolerance and haven't been sticking to the diet like I should. I've read this could have an effect on fertility and could cause amenorrhea. Has anyone experienced this??
Any help/advice, especially from personal experience, would be appreciated!
Re: Post-Pill Amenorrhea & My Options...
I'm in a little different situation as I am TTC. I've taken Provera (medroxyprogesterone) twice to start my periods. I went off BCP in October and had a normal first cycle. My second cycle hit 60 days and my dr prescribed the meds. This past cycle my dr prescribed it after 35 days without AF and since I hadn't ovulated yet for that cycle. I've never had any side effects with provera.
As far as amenorrhea being a bad thing, I've heard that it can increase your risk for certain cancers if you go too long without a period. You could probably find more information by just googling it. Hope that helps some, good luck!