so....i am not overweight. actually, I was overweight for most of my life. not obese. just a bit on the chubby side.In 2012, I lost 10-15 lbs though healthy choices. In early 2013, I accidentally lost another 10-15 due to stress. I was not working out much, but just generally not eating much, doing yoga at least every other day. Well, that stress was bad, but my body felt great- svelte- down to a size 4, tight, trim abs, felt wonderful physically. But the stress I was experiencing at home then increased and was accompanied by major work stress, and I guess my coping mechanisms changed, because I have gained 13 lbs back!
What are your tips for dealing with stress eating or drinking. I am not an alcoholic, but definitely lend my calories to alcohol at night right now due to the stress. I also go several days eating hardcore correct- no whites, all green veggies, proteins, maybe some oatmeal-and then I will crash and burn- or binge in this case. So, first things first- how do you get over stress eating. And to anyone that stress drinks- any tips with this.
No flames please. genuine question.
Re: stress eating or drinking
One thing stood out to me- when you say you go several days eating "hardcore correct". I find when I do that, I binge. I CAN'T deprive myself, or I go over the edge.
I also take medication for binge eating. It's the first thing that's really ever helped me, besides cutting my carb intake.
I'm prone to feeling that way, too. I think most people have a hard time being disciplined when they're overwhelmed. Here's what helps me:
1) Dealing with the cause of stress. If it can be resolved, it's best to tackle that first. Stress is so bad for your health even if you're not overeating.
2) Cardio & yoga really help me release tension. Most of the time I really don't feel like exercising when I'm upset, but 98% of the time, I'm glad that I did afterwards. You don't say if you're exercising, but I would definitely try that. It makes you feel so much calmer that you might not feel as inclined to indulge. Plus you burn extra calories so it's a win/win.
3) Eating healthy most of the time and indulging when I need to. You already recognize your eating plan doesn't work for you, so I would scrap it. You can have a healthy diet without being so strict. I'd focus more on something you can live with long-term rather than an all-or-nothing approach. Find ways to make eating healthy enjoyable, and allow yourself treats on a regular basis to avoid feeling deprived (and later binging). I allow myself to eat what ever I want, but then I make a point to consider whether or not I really WANT it.
I don't tend to drink much, so I don't have personal experience with that. I will say, though, that alcohol is not good for coping with stress. It dehydrates you and is also a depressant- both of these make you feel tired and moodier. When you're stretched thin, that's not going to be helpful for you. So maybe keeping that in mind can help you avoid turning to that. Celestial Seasonings makes lots of herbal teas that promote relaxation, so maybe that could be a healthy substitute?
Good luck!
Many health experts says that drinking tea detoxify our body and gives a refreshing feeling.
pu erh tea
I agree with what a PP said-- often going hardcore and not allowing yourself ANY indulgences can lead to major binges, like you said. I know from experience. I'm a huge emotional eater, so going hardcore + a stress trigger equals insane bingeing (binging?) for me. I try to allow myself really small treats every day. I also try to really into preparing and planning my meals, so I enjoy them more.
As far as stress drinking-- I'm by no means an alcoholic either, really just a social drinker. I've ultimately cut out alcohol 95%, and really only drink it on special occasions. I lose track of how much I'm really drinking, the calories add up, and I just feel really guilty the next day.