To update you, I received an email from both my lawyer and ex husband, saying that if I'm not in full compliance, they are seeking my arrest and incarceration until I am in full compliance. I just don't think it's going to happen...I asked my psychic and she said not to worry, so I do feel a bit better.
I did not/do not have a lawyer, I am (now) representing myself. And while I KNOW I can't got to prison for not paying, the reason they are seeking a bench warrant for my arrest is my failure to comply with two (2) court orders. I have had a few friends be taken to jail for not paying traffic tickets and not appearing in court, so I know it can happen...I'm just astounded they would do so even when I am a SAHM to my son!
Bottom line: I was ordered to appear, I didn't, the judgement was in favor of my ex. It went back to court after I didn't pay again, the judgement was in favor of my ex. I wrote a letter to the court that they did not consider because I didn't prepare a proper response and was late with it.
Luckily, my Facebook and Instagram are private and they can't see the places I've been and what my lifestyle it like because I'm afraid they will try to go after my husband or money comes from him, I have bank accounts that are in my name with ONLY my name on them and they have no more than $20 in them.His accounts do NOT have my name on them.
Again, I don't plan on working, so they can't garnish my wages. I'm not all that scared after talking to my grandmother (who is in her 80s and been through alot). You can't get water from a rock and if I don't work, they can't get money. So I don't see how I'm supposed to pay when there is NO money to pay with. If I ever do purchase anything, it will be in my husband's name. Problem solved.
I'm awaiting a response from someone, but until them, I'm going to live my life and not lose sleep over it. Besides, my ex and his new wife are very well off, they both work full time, have advanced degrees and live in a nice large home. I doubt they NEED the money and I figure they'll get frustrated and just give up at some point.
I would still REALLY appreciate what you think and if anyone has been through this...There's always that small chance I could go to jail and if so, what happens then?
Re: Still being sued: An Update for you
After all we said to you and all the advice we gave you, it was like the advice hit nothing but a brick wall.
Not surprised.
You'd be surprised how the IRS and the law can make you pay up. I don't know how they do it myself but they will make you pay up. OR throw your azz into the hoosegow.;
And they won't give a rat's patoot if you have a child.
And as for the perjury charges, that's a whole other smoke. You will also get into plenty of trouble for that, too.
A bank account --- with $20?
Banks tend to close those out if there is not a minimum amount.
Yeah, LOL at the psychic part.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Those were my thoughts about a few of the recent posts, but since this was XP-ed to "The Site That Shall Not be Named (or the mods will edit my post)" I guess it was not Nest-Admin condoned. Shucks. Would have been the coolest thing The Nest has done in years!
i will go paragraph by paragraph...
1) let me know how it goes when you make your phone call to your psychic from your jail cell. Let me know how helpful she is in that setting and how much better you feel. In the meantime, consider saving the money you are spending on your psychic and spending it on the money you owe.
2) Find new friends. This is not good or "normal". None of my friends have ever gone to jail for not paying traffic tickets and have never been fined for contempt of court. Ever. This is not what upstanding citizens do. You have poor role models and even poorer judgment.
3) nobody cares if you are a stay at home mom. In fact, it makes it easier. If I miss work I need to call and reschedule anywhere from 10-20 clients and find someone to agree to cover me for crisis situations for my clients in case they arise while I am away from the office. AND I would need to ensure that someone could pick the ki up and take care of them. You on the other hand, would simply need to either find a babysitter or leave the kid with your husband. I'm not belittling stay at home moms at all, but you are not a single mom and you frequently refer to "maintaining your lifestyle" so I am going to assume that you can find a babysitter or have this charming husband of yours watch hours child while you participate in legal proceedings. I guarantee if it was a court date involving you RECEIVING money you would break your neck to get your there. Your SAHM status is a lame excuse. Get over it.
4) good luck when this current marriage fails. Because as a mother with no job, no plans to work, and no "property" you are going to have a hell of a time rebuilding our life when this relationship fails. You won't have a penny to your name or a single possession to move forward. And if current husband does what the ex did and decides to stop paying, you will be in the same position again. Something tells me this story will be repeating itself. I don't generally assume that relationships will fail, but since so much of your life is asked on deception and avoiding responsibility, I WILL make that assumption about yours.
5) the reason your ex and his wife are well off is probably because they are ambitious enough to complete advanced degrees, finish what they start, and pay their bills. This is completely unrelated to your lack of ambition and inability to live up to your responsibilities. You still owe the money.
6) if you go do to jail.. Justice will be served. See number 1... Call your psychic..l tell us what she says.
LOL, on the Bump in December she had a 2-week-old daughter and a 6yo son and was dreading going back to work and hated her husband. But now she has a 14mo son and is a SAHM. She would have to have been pregnant with both babies at the same time with different gestation ages to have an almost-8mo daughter, and a 14mo son.
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