How do you handle food responsibilities with your DH? While single, I tended to cook one day on the weekend for the whole week. During the week, I relied on those weekend dishes and added vegies to them (assuming the weekend recipe wasn't a one pot wonder). I use a freezer a lot so as to rotate things and not eat the same thing all the time. This works great for a number of reasons - finances/budgeting, time (especially since I normally work 8-6), and variety, not to mention calorie counting.
I'm having issues with DH on this. I understand its a fairly regimented way of doing things. I've asked what he would like to eat, but never get a response. I've asked what he doesn't like.... again no response. Recently, I pulled a homemade spaghetti sauce from the freezer (His daughter was visiting). He never touched it. I can't get him to say why. It feels like a power struggle since I'm currently between jobs. But I can't fix what I don't understand. Help!
Re: food issues
My DH and I went through something very similar. While planning our meals (I do it 2 weeks at a time) and grocery shopping, I would ask him what he wanted to eat. He would NEVER help me make the list, and wouldn't even tell me things he DIDN'T want. It was very frustrating, and after about 6 months of getting nowhere with him, I decided just to buy and cook what I wanted to eat. If he wanted to eat it, that was great, but if not, I always kept a few frozen pizzas or stir fries that he could make for himself. After a while, he started eating what I made for myself, and now, three years later, I have a pretty good idea of things he will eat vs. things he won't.
Good luck! I know this can be frustrating!
My husband is a foodie and an amazing cook which can be just as hard as what you are going through. I see what we have and make something from that. But sometimes I will go to make something and he will whine "but I don't FEEL like that!" He will then go and order out or go to the store and buy stuff to whip up what he feels like. But..... That's it then. He doesn't FEEL like it the next day so I am stuck with tons of left overs.
I agree with giving him some recipes or even introduce him to fb pages that share recipes. That will hopefully get him to say "that sounds good!"
Maybe ask him to cook once in a while? Then you can see what he likes and how he likes it.
I have to try my darndest not to approach this like my mother would - which would be:
"If you don't like it, don't eat it. There are starving children in Ethiopia that would be ecstatic to have this, you ungrateful brat!"