My husband's lovely cat has been urinating in the house again. I can't sway him to get rid of it, but I finally convinced him to leave the stupid thing outside. In the meantime, I've gotten a lot of smell out, but have been cleaning the rug where he peed and can't get the smell out of my not even a year old carpet. I have a carpet cleaner and have tried carpet shampoo, vinegar, and laundry and dish soap. I've been cleaning it twice a week for about two months. Any ideas for how to get rid of it for good?
This is male territorial spraying, not kitty litter snobbiness. And no, the cat's not sick, it's neutered, there's nothing wrong with it other than it's a jerk who has been pissing all over every house it's lived in for 10 years (hence the reason the last owner so thoughtfully gave it to my husband).
Re: Cat urine?
First of all, you're an azz for even trying to say "get rid of the cat because it's got apeeing problem" and gloating over "convincing him to leave the stupid thing outside." Azzhole! Leaving an indoor cat outside is an awful thing to do, and puts the cat at serious risk (from other animals, from cars going by, from sadistic humans). If you care at all about animals, this is NOT the way to go. I've had issues with my cat peeing outside the box. It's incredibly frustrating, but I'd NEVER consider kicking her out of the house or getting rid of her. Cats with litter box issues will almost NEVER get rehomed from a shelter and just end up being euthanized. If you're that heartless that you'd rather see the cat dead, well then take yourself elsewhere now.
Cats spray sometimes!! It's entirely behavioral IF illness has been ruled out. UTIs or crystals can be very insidious issues in cats that can easily go unnoticed. If you've already taken the cat to the vet and ruled these issues out, then you can turn to it being behavioral.
One: Use Nature's Miracle or another ENZYMATIC cleaner to thoroughly soak and clean all pee spots. Regular cleaners will not remove the smell for the cat, and he'll continue using those thinking that because they smell like pee, they're appropriate places to go. You may need to pull up carpets if this has been going on a long time and soaked deep down into the carpet padding.
Get Cat Attract litter and lock the cat with the litterbox in a small space (like a spare bathroom). This is how you retrain on using the litterbox. The Cat Attract litter works wonders in getting cats to start using a box again (it worked for me!).
Yes, cat pee all over the house in frustrating and infuriating, but if you haven't taken the appropriate steps to fix the problem, you have no place to call the cat "stupid", insist on rehoming it/dumping it, or locking it outside. Pet ownership is for life. You deal with your pets problems as a responsible pet owner. If you can't do that, don't have pets in the future.
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
I agree with this. When cats have a problem, there is almost always something wrong with them physically or behaviorally - so you really need to try to find those things out before being a jerk to the cat. Watch at least one episode of "My Cat From Hell" on Animal Planet - you will see there are often underlying causes to a cat's issues.
That being said, there are tons of cleaners out there for this type of problem. You could probably get the carpets professionally shampooed, or if it's more of a spot treatment get a smaller cleaner. If it's been a problem for a long time, there might not be any helping the problem and you might just want to start considering investing in new flooring. Hard floors are always better for pets even if there aren't bathroom issues.
Nature's Miracle makes a formula specifically for cat urine (here it is on Amazon: I don't have cats, but the regular Nature's Miracle as well as the NM Laundry Boost are my go-tos for any and all biological stains/accidents for my dogs (pee, poo, vomit, blood, etc.). They are enzymatic cleaners that break down the biological material so that the animal can no longer smell it. Animals' noses tend to be much more sensitive than ours, and if the animal smells the pee/poo, he will think it's ok to potty there again, leading to further problems.
If you've ruled out a medical problem (via a full vet check), I would look into remedies for the behavioral issue such as Feliway plug-ins, re-training kitty to use the litterbox, etc.
you are a peach.
I have a lot of problems with your post.
First, though, I will answer your question. Natures Miracle is, by far, the best thing ever for getting cat pee out. Follow the directions on the bottle. It is important to use an enzymatic cleaner so that the cat can't smell his marking and continue to think it is an acceptable place to potty.
I have 5 cats. After DS got mobile, 2 of them started peeing everywhere. Instead of throwing them outside and b*tching, we took them to the vet. One had crystals in his urine and the female checked out fine. We determined, with our vet, that it was anxiety related and put both of them on medicine. We are all happier now.
See, cats can't talk. Their behavior is their way of communicating. Much like an infant, it's up to you to figure out their problem and help them solve it.
5 cats. 1 baby.
you. This is so true!!
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
"The hardest thing is to live richly in the present without letting it be tainted out of fear for the future or regret for the past." - Sylvia Plath
Initiates slow clap