We have 2 cats, we got both as kittens and they get along great, so we know it's not a territorial issue.
Our medium haired girl, however, has started pooping on the floor a few months ago, always outside the litter box.
We began watching her and noticed she'll pee in the litter box, walk out, and try to poop on the floor. I have managed to catch her a couple of times. I'd pick her up and place her in the litter box and then she'll go. I am unsure as to what the problem is.
The other cat has no issues.
Both cats are 3 years old and healthy.
Anyone have any ideas?
Re: Kitty Issue
While this certainly sounds more behavioral than medical, a trip to the vet for and extra evaluation can never hurt. Cats are excellent at hiding problems.
If you've taken her to the vet to be checked out for this already, then move to behavioral causes.
It's possible that your other cat scared her once when she was trying to poop in the litter box, thus putting her off using it for that. If there have been any changes in your home, she could be stressed out and expressing it this way (this is what one of my cats did when we brought our pup home 2 years ago; she'd poop literally within a foot of the litter box).
If you haven't already, make sure anywhere she's pooped has been thoroughly cleaned with an enzymatic cleaner to completely eliminate any trace of the smell that could indicate to her "that's a place to poop." She can still smell it if you've cleaned with a regular floor/multipurpose cleaner.
Get Cat Attract Litter. It's a little pricey, but you don't have to fill the whole box with it. I layer it over/mix it with our regular litter. It got our cat pooping back in the box immediately. I continue to use it even 2 years later just to make sure there's no regression (even though everyone is pretty well integrated at this point).
Finally, try installing a Feliway Plugin or using the spray (which needs to be reapplied on a daily basis) in areas she frequently hangs out, especially near the litter box. It's a calming pheromone that can help stressed or upset cats relax, thus remedying the accompanying behavior problem. Kitty is happier, so no more issues! The plugins take up to a month for full effectiveness and should be replaced monthly. If you decide to get them, buy them online; they're much cheaper than in stores.
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
I second the use of the Feliway Plugin. We started using them when we moved and our cats were really freaked out. We also use Rescue Remedy in their water, which has really had a calming effect since we got our puppy.
How many litter boxes do you have? Sometimes it also helps to add another box. As PP said, the other cat might have scared her. She also could have had a particularly painful poo for one reason or another, or even just got litter in a sore/cut paw, and associated that pain with the litter box.
It's possible, also, that they want you to clean it more often, depending on how frequently you scoop. One of my cats HATES going into the litter box if there's even a bit of poo there. We solved that by adding another box.
ETA: Definitely get an enzyme cleaner for the spots or she'll think it's okay to keep going there. Nature's Miracle really is a miracle.
I also agree that if you haven't already, you may want to take her to the vet, just to be on the safe side.You said she's healthy, so I'm guessing it's probably a behavior thing, not a health thing.
Have there been any changes in your house that are maybe upsetting her? Are you using a new type of kitty litter? A few months ago my husband bought a different litter and one of our cats did not approve and did the same thing your cat is doing--it was the same brand and texture but I think it had a different smell or something.
Also, how often do you clean your litterbox and how many do you have? I usually try to clean mine out in the morning and at night, and I think they recommend having one box per cat, plus an extra one in the house. Sometimes cats can be territorial about their boxes, or just want someplace quiet to do their business.
You may want to try deep cleaning the litter box with bleach or vinegar, adding another box or two to your home and trying different brands of litter to see if that helps.
Best of luck!
We did change litter brands, but that was like months before the problem started. I just find it odd because she will pee in the litter box, just not poop. Like she'll go pee, walk out, and go poop right outside. It's so odd. And she does poop in the litter box when we pick her up and put her in there. So as long as we catch her, it's not a problem.
We have been spraying her poop spots, and it seems to work for a few days, but I guess once the scent goes a way, she'll start going there again.
We have 2 litter boxes and clean them once a day. Our apartment is a bit small for 3, we are going to be moving into a house soon and plan on adding a 3rd litter box. We're hoping that solves the problem.
We're also a little worried about moving. The cats have done fine from going from one apartment to another, but now that we're moving into a house, it might be a little more stressful, so we're worried that might add on to the problem.
We'll look in the calming thing and maybe changing litter if the 3rd litter box doesn't solve the problem.
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Spraying == enzymatic cleaning. You can't just cover the scent, you need to eliminate it entirely. Get the Nature's Miracle. It's seriously freaking amazing. And read the bottle. You don't just apply and wipe up. You soak the spot and let it sit for several minutes before blotting up.
If you'll be moving soon, absolutely use the Feliway plugins and Rescue Remedy to help the kitties transition to the new environment. In the meantime, maybe try cleaning both your boxes twice a day. It's a pain, yes, but it might help.
My cat was also peeing inside the box but pooping outside it. It's not as insane as you might think.
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
Couple things: We changed litter once about a year ago. Did a gradual switch. Everything seemed fine. Cats were using them. Then they just seemed to decide that they hated the new litter and refused to use it. We switched back and the problem went away. The new litter was more convenient for US, but I'd rather have more work and have them happy and not pooping all over the place.
A bit off topic, but moves can be stressful. Make sure to have a safe room for them. Keep them in that room for a while, even weeks, when you first move. Then gradually let them explore the rest of the house. Going from an apartment to a house is a BIG change. We did the same thing and it took a while to adjust but now they even like going into the backyard on their harnesses.
For a move like that, the Feliway and Rescue Remedy might be key. I would advise against the Feliway/pheromone COLLARS, though. One of our cats had a baaaad reaction. But the plug-ins and liquid for the water, those seem to be okay and they really help chill out our cats.