I am not Catholic, and I've always disliked the idea of a Pope, but the current Pope seems a bit different than the last. Like, way better.
If I were Catholic, I would be happy with Pope Francis.
I'm curious if Catholics are happy with him.
Re: Pope Francis
Thanks for answering!
I had a feeling that more liberal minded people were happier with this guy. He just seems so much less judgmental than the previous Pope.
Are conservative Catholics as happy do you think? I'm wondering if he has many detractors as well as fans.
Yes, I saw that! That's why I found it so surprising and progressive. And awesome.
It is really interesting to me that even conservative Catholics seem to like him. Perhaps because he teaches acceptance and letting God be the judge in a way that former Popes did not? Maybe the majority of Catholics don't want to be as exclusionary as former church leaders seemed to push for in the past. Hopefully the embracing of gay congregation members will be next.
Thanks for the insight!
I grew up Catholic and "suffered" through 12 years of Catholic School. I think Pope Francis was a wonderful pick! He is a Jesuit priest and having gone to a Jesuit Catholic College, they are definitely a little more open minded than other Orders of Preachers.
I was definitely wondering about your opinion of him since you are so much more conservative than me. Very interesting to know. Thank you for your input!
I think the Pope made the right call with his "Who am I to judge" comments. It is true and consistent with church teaching (only God can judge).
ALL people are children of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect (regardless of one's opinion on homosexuality). I am glad Pope Francis had the kahunas to actually speak those words (most Popes would shy away from those type of comments).
That's how I feel too. I've always been so angry with religious leaders openly judging others as if they are somehow superior. They do it all.the.time.
It's one of the reasons I eschew religion entirely and prefer to be spiritual in a more direct way.
Thanks again for your insight!
I am not Catholic (Lutheran), but I get excited to read about this guy! He is a really big inspiration for so many people. Plus, I think he embodies so much of what is forgotten in Christianity.
Pope fun fact that I read recently...he had a little introduction with Bono of U2 (professed Christian) and apparently the Pope asked to try on Bono's sunglasses. Bono obliged and I read there were some pics taken of the Pope wearing them, but the Papal PR department decided not to publish them (too bad!).
I also love that he gives up his limos for cars like Ford Focuses.