Meet Max! He is 8 weeks old. Jude picked
him out. Jude had wanted us to have a boy baby and wanted to name him
Maximillian (seriously - he said no one would ever mess with someone
named Maximillian). So, after all this happened, we go in, there are
only 2 kittens (34 got adopted between yesterday afternoon and today at
1pm) - only ONE boy, and his name is Max. Jude just had to get him!
So, here's Max! I can't get the insert photo to work - so here's a link - - ignore the first photo.
Which brings me to my update about the shelters - we felt kind of ripped off. The NHSPCA only had the two, and we called Cocheco Valley and after that whole radio thing, they had less than 10 kittens - and the rest were all 6mo and older. We really wanted a kitten so that Bitsy would not be intimidated - she's such a sweet girl - we didn't want someone with a big personality or big presence to start bossing her around. Anyway - that's my update!
Re: Kitten update -
He just got neutered on 11/11 - our anniversary! So, they advised us to keep him away from Bitsy (in a separate room) for 5 more days, and then to introduce them. They have been talking to each other from between the door though for hours.
And thanks! I didn't think of that! I am back down to 127lbs, so I am more like "me" again. But, the pics of me are horrible, now that I see them - all the scarring on my face - I should have worn makeup!!!