Hello!! I am happy to announce that I am now a mommy!! Grace Elizabeth surprised us by arriving 3 weeks early! Gracie was born on November 14th at 1:47 am and she weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and she is 19.75 inches long.
Everything went very quickly during labor. I went in for my check-up at the doctor's office Thursday morning and I was dilated to a "2". The doctor said I would be going early, and he couldn't predict how early exactly, he just said that I would be delivering her in the next 2 to 14 days (due date was Dec. 4th) Well, I went into work right after that appointment and by 11 am I was writing down when I was having contractions and how long they were lasting. I left work around 3:30 pm that day and by 6:40 pm, Dave was driving me to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital by 7:10 pm and I delivered Grace at 1:47 am.
Gracie was diagnosed with hyperbilirubinemia and we have a bili table here at the house that she has to lay on as much as possible (except for feedings and changing her diaper). We went to the doctor's office yesterday for blood work and then went again this morning and her bilirubin went down a little bit, so that's good! We will have her blood work checked again tomorrow morning; hopefully it will be low enough to take her off of that table so we can hold her more often. Dave and I feel so bad that she has to lay on that darn thing, but we want her to be healthy as soon as possible, of course! She's so dang cute!!! :-)
Re: Our baby came early!
Oh my- another new baby! You guys are NOT helping the baby fever.
Congratulations, her name is beautiful!
We need pics! I'm working on a bunch of Cocodoll's Ari as I type- newborns are an absolute blast to photograph. Shoot me a PM or page me for my email addie, if you want to get together for a free shoot as I skill/portfolio build for my upcoming photography business.
Happy Birth Day, Grace Elizabeth!
My Photography Blog
Scheduled IVF for April 2013--SURPRISE, don't need it! EDD 9/6/13
Grace Elizabeth
Crap.. did I do it wrong?