Hi ladies - I already posted this on MM b/c there are alot of PGs overthere but since most of your are moms as well I wanted to re-post for as much insight as possible. I'm just looking for some advice/insight on this...b/c of my age (i'll be 35 in Dec) my OB discussed the increased risks of down syndrom and other problems.
We decided on the blood test first not sure about having an amnio. We drew blood last week and have a genetic counseling and U/S appt on monday. Dr. called last night with blood results and all looks good except the downs test. For my age he said going into PG my risk was 1/275 of having a downs baby. The blood test came back that my risk is 1/60 and he recommends the amnio as a for sure yes or no test. Also the blood test is only 70% accurate.
DH and I talked last night and I think we are now leaning towards the amnio for peace of mind either way. We will no terminate the pregnancy regardless but at least if we find out the baby is downs we have 5 months to prepare, research, etc. If not then we have 5 months of not worrying about what the 'special needs' of a special needs child are and if we are ready to handle those, etc. I guess I'm just looking for other experiences if anyone wants to share.
This is I think my single worst fear about having kids that there would be something 'wrong' (using the term very loosly b/c I know that downs children can have very healthy happy lives) and that I won't be able to handle it. Questions like will I be able to love this child as much as others we might have b/c of this, will I have to quit work b/c there isn't child care for a child with special needs, finacially are we ready for anything additional that may come with this, etc.
Re: RP from MM: genetic testing ?s for the moms/PGs
First of all, big hugs to you!!! I didn't have an amnio as I had my girls before I turned 35. I do recall that the blood tests for this are not very accurate, that being said I think if it were me, I'd have the amnio. Like you said, for peace of mind and because it's "procedure" for those women 35 and older.
I hope the other Nesties have more insight. Be well. Take care! XOXOXO
I agree with getting the amnio for peace of mind. That's what I would do. My son was born with Club Foot and although it was very correctable, it would have been nice to know ahead of time so we weren't shocked at his birth. I have a friend whose son was also born with Club Foot and she found out at the 20 week ultrasound and she was able to prepare, find doctors, look into all the methods for correcting, etc, and it would have been nice and a lot less stressful.
Good luck to you!!!
First of all (((HUGS))) we went through something similar with Marley (I was almost 34 at the time). Our odds were like 1/20 so we did the amnio without giving it a second thought. It was a huge peace of mind and didn't hurt at all. Thank goodness everything was ok.
Those blood tests have such a high miscalculation rate - it pisses me off. I was so stressed out for NOTHING!?
Feel free to page me if you have any questions.?
I had it with my boys. The risk is much less than previously thought - particularly with an experienced clinician.
Good luck--just an FYI, you can pay extra and get the preliminary results of an amnio in 24 hours at some places. It is pricey ($400) but it was worth it for my peace of mind.
I just wanted to wish you good luck! I've never had a screen come back with high risk results, but would've opted for the amnio if they had. I would much prefer having an answer and the chance to prepare if needed than to hope for the best and be surprised later.