My boss emailed me the other day, wanting to "talk" b/c he knows I'm not happy, etc and wants to understand more, blah blah blah. We've done this before and things never change.
So this morning he requested a mtg w/me to actually talk - has admitted he has spent more time on trying to understand the business and less on being a manager, where I want to see things going, etc. Then wants to go to lunch today to take it to a more relaxed environment. Wants to know my career history as well and what got me here.
Some how I feel like this is a little too late (our reviews are up and I think he's feeling pressure from his boss and feels a little guilty) as I don't think it's going to change my feelings on still wanting to leave.
We've done this - talked and he doesn't listen and feels like I take things personally (I don't at work) and that I'm being defensive (my co worker who's been in other mtgs w/us says that's not her impression at all). The end result is always the same, for about a couple of days things are good and then he's back into the same groove.
We'll see what happens though, I'll be open minded and give him the benefit of the doubt.
Wish me lunch this could be a crazy Fri. and my co-worker who we usually vent to one another is in class all day, ugh, boo hiss.
Here's looking forward to 5pm. Sorry such a long post. I'm trying not to be Debbie Downer
Re: please say a prayer/think of me
I JUST NOW got out of his office. He's listening but this is a hard battle. I've been calm and thought b/f I spoke so I'm really proud of myself.
I even prayed b/f I went in there for God's guidance.
So now he has talked to me about how he knows I'm not happy, what he can do to make that better internally or somewhere else in the company (I never confirmed nor denied, just listened) and wants to go to lunch to talk about my career and what I REALLY want to be doing.
I think I need to pray again to get through this day.
Thanks yall (oh and I'll be getting a bottle of wine on my way home, or 3).
thanks Amykins. I just wanted a smooth Fri, get my work done, etc BUT NO!!!! I will so be enjoying date night tonight!!!
Dear boss,
Why did you take me to lunch only to just "shoot the breeze"? We never discussed what you wanted to talk about when we met this morning. I thought you wanted to know why I was unhappy, where I wanted to be, what I wanted to do? I thought you wanted to know more about my career and where I've been?
That's fine, I'm good, I'll do my job. I see how it is, have our mtg and it's back to the same ol same ol.
At least you bought my lunch. Thanks for that.
rant over. It HAS to get better but I will laugh if I find something else and then he's like what?!?!?!?