Ok so here goes our birth story.
JESSE ALONSO born Nov. 13th at 5:27 pm
As many of you know we were scheduled to be induced at 5am on Thursday Nov. 13th, well low and behold on Wednesday night at about 8 pm as I was in the shower getting ready for the following morning, I started to feel contractions they were about 30 minutes apart so I didnt think anything of it I figured we were getting induced at 5 am the next morning and more than likely I would not start get the contractions every 5 minutes before then anyhow, well yeah right by about 9:30 my contractions were about 7 minutes apart and by about 10'ish every 5 minutes but somehow still tolerable, I hung out at home as much as I could but by about 10:45 decided it was probably best to go to the hospital. We arrived there at about 11 and they right away hooked me up the IV and the monitor, my contractions were between 5 & 3 minutes apart and were more intense by then. I tried oh so very hard to not take anything for the pain but gave up my fight with the pain at about 5 am and had the nurse give me something, dont know what it was but it knocked me out till about 8:30 am, then my doctor showed up and broke my water about 9 am and my contractions started all over again, I tried to tough it out yet again but changed my mind soon after and asked for the epidural, best decision ever....lol...I wuzzed out the pain was too intense for me. I was dialated to a 9 by about 1 pm and then it all stopped from 1 pm to 4:30pm I did not dialate anymore and I started getting a fever so the doctor came in and said I needed an emergency C-section since I was not dialating anymore and I had a fever she was afraid that the baby was going to get an infection. So at about 5:07pm I was rolled away to the operating room and my soon was born at 5:27 pm via c-section. He is a big boy, he weighed in at 8lbs. 4 ounces, 21 inches long, we both stayed in the hospital till Sunday Nov. 16th. Shortly after delivery he started breathing hard and they had him in NICU our entire hospital stay, he is doing great now. He eat's alot but sleeps even more. I am so in love with him. He is everything I never knew I always wanted. I thought I wanted a little girl and I still do but I'm so happy to have had a beautiful baby boy. I still cant believe he's mine.
Re: Birth Story.....
CONGRATS!!! ?Welcome to team blue. ?Little girls are great, but little boys are so loving with their mom's. I get the best hugs, and although he loves daddy very much, when he needs a hug, or wants comfort he needs his mommy!
Can't wait to see pics!?
Congratulations! Jesse is so handsome!
(Isn't it a bear to have to go through labor just to have a c-section? "best of both worlds" my nurse said.. ha! Glad it all went well for you!)
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