Pending a final decision by the company, I am moving to Knoxville in December to accept a new job. Dh grew up in Jefferson City, TN, and is somewhat familiar with the area. However, we have no idea what areas to avoid when looking for a home. Right now, we are trying to find something to rent, as we want to see how this job goes, and find employment for H before we obligate ourselves to a mortgage. We currently live in Asheville, NC, and our rent is outrageous. We can afford something fairly nice in Knoxville, and like the West Knoxville area. Is this a good place to look? I've seen several homes I like in the Turkey Creek area, but I am not familiar with that side of Knoxville at all. We definitely want to stay out of low-income housing areas. We're trying to find something below $1000 per month, with 2 or 3 bedrooms, a fenced in yard, allows pets, dishwasher, washer/dryer hookup, etc. We don't want an apartment because our two energetic pups will disturb neighbors.Any suggestions are appreciated. My new job is located toward the West area, but I don't mind a commute each day if the price is right. I don't know what the market is like in TN right now, or even where to begin looking (I have looked on Knoxville's Craigslist, as well as on the Knoxville newspaper's website, but don't know other than that)
Re: Relocating to Knoxville SOON