but Allison walked across our living room today. :-) I was holding her arms and walked behind her but she took all the steps on her own with little prompting. It was fun. She's been taking one or two steps here and there, but this was a big walk! She hates sitting still for too long.
It's been a big week of firsts for her. We started her on [mushy] solids and she loves butternut squash and avocado. She could have done without the peas though. lol. She attended her first birthday party, And she started playing in her exersaucer Friday night. She hated it at first, but now she stares at it from across the room and "asks" to go in it.
She's growing up so fast.... :-)
Re: It wasn't by herself....
My little mouse is such a big girl! I heart Allison!
AWW, just wait, it goes by so fast.
When Jacob was 6 mos we got him a walker, he loved it! ?He could go all around the house and be mr. independent.
That just seemed like yesterday, now he really is Mr. Independent, running and talking etc... ?Where did my baby go!?
You're growing waaaaaaaaay to fast! LOL! Hope I didn't scur you! Auntie Mia is coo-coo fo sho!
I love you Allison!