My 91 year old grandpa died this morning. My family was sort of expecting it to happen before Christmas (he's not been doing well for awhile and was in a nursing home) but it's still hard. I'm okay I think, he lived a long time, after all- but mostly I'm just sad for my dad , and especially my grandma. They were married for 63 years (it would have been 64 in December).
We always spend Thanksgiving with my MIL in Jacksonville, FL and we are going to leave Wednesday as planned , and then go to see my family and go to the funeral Friday across the state line. I am glad my grandma only lives a couple hours from MIL's house so we can see everyone as we should.
I'm just so stressed now, I'm going to be observed by my advisor after the break and needed to write/turn in my lesson plan. I think I'm just going to do what is necessary today, and work on it some more tomorrow after class since it isn't technically due until Wed.. I at least already had the day off work today. And maybe I'll watch Wall E and eat some sweets...blah.
Re: sad...:( (sorry this is a bit long)
I'm so sorry. Sounds like he lived a long life though and that's a blessing. I hope you're able to get through these few upcoming days and know that he's in a better place. Just be there for your family.
:: sending hugs ::
((hugs)) i'm so sorry for your loss. i know how you feel. my grandmother who was 95 passed away this past june. she also hadn't been doing well, but it didn't hurt any less when it happened. i still get choked up thinking about it. i was very close to my grandmother. she was a big part of my life. so i truly know how you feel.
i will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
thanks girls. I appreciate it. I called DH, so he knows-but he won't be home for awhile. it's pouring down rain and I'm at home alone so it helps to vent here.
I am SO sorry to hear this. My Granddaddy just passed away in April, and we are not looking forward to the holidays. My Grandmother does not even want to put up a tree (they barely missed 61 years ).
I hope your stress clears up and you can relax some. And I am so sorry for your loss!
I am very sorry for your loss. It's always hard even if you know they lived a full and happy life. I hope your holidays are full of good memories!