long legged BIG FOOT! Just like it's momma!
I just posted this on the Alabama babies board but I wanted to let yall know!
So... despite the entire bottle of sparkling cider I chugged an hour before my ultrasound, the baby was pretty modest. It had its left leg curled and its big foot was sitting right near its goods!
But, the ultrasound tech said that she got a "pretty good" shot at the beginning of the ultrasound and that while it's not as good of a shot as she likes to get, she said she's 80% sure it's a GIRL!! Michael just smiled and replied that he's going to be surrounded by girls. (me, our child and our dog, Lilly.)
I was like.. what? Are you sure there's not a penis in there somewhere?!?! I was for sure thinking it was a boy. Just to make sure we are having another ultrasound in two weeks. Hopefully by then the baby will be a bit less shy and we'll know for sure!
Re: Aw... it's a....
awwwh!!!! I thought for sure you'd know!!! guess that little one just didn't want you to know yet. But just thinking of yall and praying for a healthy baby for yall regardless. I know you'll be a great mom no matter boy or girl.
That's funny about Michael though w/his response to it possibly being a girl.
Keep us posted!!!
Oh, that's too bad! But, I'm glad everything is ok! Maybe you can find out in 2 weeks
At first ours was like that too. But before we left her leg moved and we saw. I hope you can tell next time. I am glad everything is looking good though.
I'm glad you got a good healthy report!
If the baby is that modest, then it probably is a girl! My friend had about 8 different ultrasounds (she was high risk) where the baby was modest, and it was a girl. Her 2nd one flashed the goods right away - and it was a boy. :-)