Rhian has suddenly become a horrible sleeper. She cries and throws tantrums at bedtime. To try to lessen the stress, I've just been laid back and letting her fal asleep whereever and then moving her later. Usually she will go sleep in my bed or even on the floor, she just doesn't want to go to her bed.
Last night she fell asleep cuddled up with Nigel on his bed! He was laying on the floor with just his head up next to her. They were so cute that I wanted to take a picture but didn't dare chance waking her up. Bad mom that I am I didn't even move her to her own bed, but just let her sleep there all night.
Re: Speaking of bad moms...
My guys don't throw tantrums........because we let them fall asleep with us on the floor. My husband will lie down with them and they all cuddle until the boys drift off. And they end up sleeping with us.
They hate their cribs - and I know it is totally our fault for not doing sleep training. But they are great heaters and snugglers!
We are going to scrap the cribs next weekend and put their mattresses on the floor.
The thing is, she's always been a great sleeper. This is a totally new thing that started a couple of weeks ago. I had to travel to CA for a funeral and left her and Reese here with dh for a couple of days. She hasn't wanted to sleep in her bed since I got home even though h says she slept just fine while I was gone. I don't know if the 2 events are really connected or not, but it's the only thing I can really think of that may have started it.
Ella is doing the same thing!!! We cannot take it. Ella went from sleeping like a lamb to now having 3 a.m wake up calls. Today it was a scream fest until 6:30 a.m!!! We have tried everything. Putting her in sleepers since she gets cold (kicks off her blankets), leaving the fan on, putting her in bed with us, giving her teething aides and NOTHING has worked!