I think one of the hard things about joining a new board is feeling out of the loop. So let's have some introductions You can respond to the questions below, or create your own!
1. Where are you from.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
3. Married? Children?
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
Me: I am from St. John's, NL and have lived here all my life, but visited some other parts of Canada. I work in a Fed Gov call center and am bilingual, but my degrees are in psychology and promary/ elementary education. I have been married for 2 weeks... so still in the HM stage . We are planning on children, but not for 2-3 years.
Interesting about me? I am an addicted reader... like I will read evey sign everywhere. It drives DH crazy. Like if there is a No Parking sign, I find myself reading it, even though I know what it is. I read most novels in one sitting if I can.
I came to the knot when my ex and I were planning on getting married. I was sort of a bebe. I moved to the nest when the knot crowd started making me cringe, and started on MM. I stay on because I am facinated with the lives of others, and there are some things that are better run by virtual friends
I am not terrible with spelling and grammer, but make a number of typos that I only catch after I hit send... so my apologies in advance...
Re: Introduce yourselves for the newbies...
1. I live about 45 minutes East of Toronto, Ontario.
2. I'm in school for Legal Office Assistant and I'll be finished at the end of August. I'm hoping to get a job in downtown Toronto when I'm done.
3. DH and I were married August 1, 2007. We had originally planned on getting married July 26, 2008 but we decided on a whim to elope and drove to Niagara Falls one day right before we had a planned trip to Newfoundland with our families. We don't have children yet, but we're hoping to start trying in the spring or summer next year.
4. Something interesting about myself, eh? Hrm...I don't know...I'll have to get back to you on that one!
Mom, why are you washing my feed in the sink?!
I grew up on a farm north of Calgary and now I live in Lethbridge, AB. I'm the Sr. Administrative Assistant to the Dean in Applied Arts and Sciences at Lethbridge College. It's ok, though I am working on my BComm by distance learning to move on to something else in the future. I studied Broadcasting in College which I'm not finding all that useful! LOL
I've been married to my hubby Jordan for 2 years. We're high school sweet hearts about to celebrate 8 years together. We recently decided to start TTC and hope we'll be pregnant by xmas. Fingers crossed.
I don't consider myself all that interesting... some of my hobbies are scrapbooking, reading, playing with my dog, going to the gym and I'm addicted to starbucks.
I came to the knot in 2005 when I was planning my wedding. I migrated to the nest after that and enjoy being on the Canada board because all of the girls are so friendly and helpful. I don't post as much as I should, but I visit a few times a day to catch up on what everyone is up to.
1. Where are you from. Born and raised in WInnipeg, however making my 'nest' out here in Victoria. Hoping to buy/build a home in Comox valley up island in the not so distant future..
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc). I currently work at Mountain Equipment CoOp and LOVE my job there. Although I'm headed back to school in September on the Sunshine Coast of BC to learn how to run/manage mountain bike parks. I'm also a certified national level cycling coach but I specialize in coaching kids and beginners (it's my passion).
3. Married? Children? Married almost 2 years now. No kidlets at this point in life....have too much travelling ect to do before we seriously start thinking of having a kid.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? Not especially but to fill some white space my interests are in wine making, backcountry camping, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, travelling, video games and so much more (but those are the main things)
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now. Joined the Knot when Chad and I moved in together since I had a feeling that he would pop the question shortly after which he did. Been around ever since! I have to say that this place is the best for me to bounce ideas, get advice on a lot of things. There is a very diverse group on this board and they are not afraid to say what's on their minds. Plus they don't get catty like some of the other boards (although it would be interesting to see something like that happen!)
1. I am originally from Ottawa, but I have lived in Edmonton for 8 years now.
2. Currently I work for an National Healthcare organization that oversees Patient Safety Initiatives in Canada, I went to a local college and received a diploma in Office Administration, graduated in 03, I am currently working towards my Bachelor of Commerce (part-time).
3. I am married (3 years in August) and I have one son, Joshua who is 16 months.
4. I wouldn't say there is anything to interesting about me, I used to be an Irish Dancer, until I was 16.
5. When DH and I were engaged (it was a very looooong engagement) I was looking for some ideas for our wedding. Eventually found the Canada Board and have made some great friends since.
1. Where are you from.
I am originally from England, and have lived all over. As of Monday, Guelph will be my home.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
I work in Student Affairs at the post-secondary level. I just finished up as a Residence Manager at Trent, and am headed to Guelph for a new role in Housing. Exciting times! I'm also a certified high school teacher and have taught English and Religion in the past.
3. Married? Children?
Married almost 3 years (as of August 27) and loving every minute of it. No kids, none planned.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
I can do accents really well. It freaks DH out sometimes
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
I joined the knot way back in 2003 when I was planning my wedding and met some amazing ladies, so stayed around to keep in touch. I know more about what's going on in the lives of some of the girls on here than my "IRL" friends. Some knotties/nesties have become close friends.
Welcome to all the newcomers!!!
1. I am from the Brockville area, I was born elsewhere but I have spent most of my life in this area. DH and I met at school and lived in Ottawa for five years before I needed to live in the country again.
2. I have my own business but I am primarily a SAHW due to an eye surgery that didn't work. It wasn't the doctors fault merely a weird eye problem that re asserted itself and i had to retrain my brain to use my eyes again.
3. DH and I are currently trying to have a baby and have our first fertility clinic appointment in August but we are REALLY hoping we don't need to.
4. I to am an avid reader and try to finish books in one sitting, I never buy just one book at a book store it's normally about 4 or five and I read them all before my next trip to the store. I HATE not having something to read. I tend to go to the bookstore about once a week.
I used to work on a tallship and even though it was about 8 years since I did it, I still miss it a lot, I had a great time, was in great shape and had many adventures and I was a rigging rat!
5. I came to the knot because I was sick of not being able to talk to my friends about my wedding because they were too busy with their own and were getting married before me. I moved over to the Nest about 8 months after I got married when DH and I started talking children and none of y friends were thinking of having any. They like to talk about it because they can't wait for me to be pregnant but they have no idea about what I am going through and there are just some things that are easier to say to online friends than real life friends.
1. Where are you from.
Born and raised in Toronto, lived in Montreal for about 10yrs and just moved to Kingston, ON a few months back.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
I am an account/project manager for a chocolate manufacturer.
3. Married? Children?
Married last September, no children yet. We might be TTC soon, but trying to get things paid off first.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
Wow, that's a tough one - not sure I have answer for that right now!
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
Right after DH and I were engaged I started looking for ideas, etc...and came across the Knot which then led me to the boards and now to the Nest. It was a natural progression! I love the gals on here. Even though I have never met anyone IRL from here, they are all wonderful and always speak their mind which is always the best advice! There are no judgemental comments, just honest advice.
1. Where are you from. I was born in Quebec, but have lived in Barrie, Ontario since I was 13 months old!
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc) I work in retail
3. Married? Children? I have been married since April 2005, I have a 14 yo stepdaughter ,Victoria,(living with us full time), a 16 month old son, Gabriel, and another on on the way in Feb 2009! Whew, no wonder I am tired...LOL
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? hmmmm I don't really know right now...maybe I am not that interesting...:( LOL
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? I came on the Knot in 2004 (I think) looking for ideas for our wedding, and was pleasantly surprised to find a Canadian board! I moved to the Nest after our wedding, and although I don't post too often, I do come on at least once a day to read and catch up on what's going on! I have to make more of an effort to post, we have a great group of ladies on here!
We're from Kamloops, BC, recently moved here from Vancouver (recently? It's been nearly a year already... it does not seem like that much time has passed!)
I'm a SAHM to my 11 week old son, Ethan. Married for three and a half years.
Interesting? I can wiggle my ears... lol. Does that count?
I went on the Knot in 2003 (!!) when I was planning our wedding. Seitched over to The Nest after we were married and I got sick of talking about weddings, something I didn't think would ever happen. And it became a habit! Hard to believe some of us have been on here for five years now?! I know I"m not the only one!
1. Where are you from.
I'm originally from Saskatoon, but have been living in Vancouver for 7 years.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
Right now? SAHM. Time to head back to work soon, though. Before having my daughter, I was a pastor half time, and I also was an instructor at a college.
3. Married? Children?
Married 5 years in September. 1 child.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
??? I met and married my husband in Morocco. I was lost. He gave me directions to my hotel. And invited me to his aunt's riad for tea. I was there because I was needing to go somewhere very different and exotic after canceling my wedding to another man.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
I went to the Knot in 2002 during my first engagement. Didn't return till 2003 -- when I was about to marry DH. What keeps me here now? Entertainment.
1. I am originally from Colorado but I have lived all over the Western USA and DH is from Alberta so I consider that my "Canadian home." We currently live in Montreal.
2. I am a graduate student and wrangler to my toddler. Said toddler is Neve who is almost 19 months old. DH and I have been married for 3.5 years.
3. Hmm, I'm going to turn that one around...things that I find interesting are: cultural history, history of medicine, reading, swimming, vegan cooking, and letter writing.
4. I came to the Knot looking for wedding ideas, eventually got fed up and eloped, and have migrated over to the Nest and this board especially for the friendly people and a place to have a little respite from my familiars.
1. Where are you from. I am living with my hubby in Toronto. I am "from" Calgary Alberta (that is where my parents are, and where I went to high school). DH is "from" London, Ontario.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc) I took engineering in university and now I work in the aerospace industry doing performance analysis of helicopter engines currently in development.
3. Married? Children? We got married in Sept 2007 and we are possibly thinking kids in the future (I used to say 5 years after getting married... but 4 years sounds so soon lol).
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? Most recently, I applied for the astronaut position through the Canadian Space Agency. I just found out last night I made it through the first round of applications!! woohoo!! So now I have 2 chances out of 4000 to become an astronaut
I will find out the results of the next round in September. If I become an astronaut, I don't think there will be kids in our future!! (Unless I retire early 
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? I joined the Knot in 2006 about 2 months after becoming engaged, primarily for wedding ideas and as a good place to bounce ideas off of other people!! I came over to the nest a couple months after our wedding, and now I am just so entrenched because I want to know what everybody is doing
1. Where are you from.
Toronto, ON, I grew up in a suburb east of the city, lived right downtown for school and now live in the west end.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
External Relations at a university. I do recruitment, admissions, student leadership and advancement for a particulary department. Basically everything non-academic! I love it.
3. Married? Children?
Married one year this coming Monday (woo hoo anniversary!) No children right now, we definitely want a family but it probably won?t happen until at least 2011 (wow that sounds far away?).
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
I love infomercials (the cheesier the better) and would LOVE to host one of them one day.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
I joined the knot because I was the first of my friends to get engaged/married. No one really knew much or cared about wedding stuff so it was a nice outlet. I stayed because I?ve met a bunch of girls IRL and they are all lovely, and I really like the board ? it?s a great support system.
Plus it?s nice to be able to check in and catch up with you ladies in this format because you can do it on your own time. I find meeting up in person with a lot of my friends is always a challenge because of hectic schedules. But here there are so many of us that there?s always someone around
My name is Nikki, I am one of the Americans on the board. I was born in Boston, lived in Orlando for 10 years, and then went to university in Mississippi and then grad school in Miami. DH and I were married in Orlando in 2005, and then moved to Vancouver in August 2006 which is where we're living now.
I have a MA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, but work as an academic advisor in higher education for a non-profit organization. I also teach a weightlifting class at a local gym and hope to someday become a personal trainer.
Jason and I are high school sweethearts, married almost 4 years now. We found out I was pregnant on the 10 year anniversary of our first date (last October), and we're expecting our son any day now. I'm actually due today!
I don't know what's interesting about myself... I get along with almost everybody and am comfortable in any situation.
I joined the knot when planning our wedding, and then moved over to the nest afterwards. I started posting on this board when I found out we were moving to Canada, since I wanted to meet some girls here before moving here. I have friends here now that I couldn't imagine not talking to every day!
1. I am from BC and still live in BC.
2. I am a litigation lawyer, specializing in corporate-commerial type disputes. Effective September 1, I will be a full equity partner here at my firm (presently I am a quasi-equity partner because I technically should only have been returning from my mat leave this week...but have been back at work since September 2007).
3. I have been married almost three years, and have a 1 year and 5 day old daugther, Sloane Madison, who is the love of my life.
4. Before my work and my daugther consumed my life, I was a very competitive athlete. I have won or almost won *LoL* (both for my age group and overall for women) a number of triathalons, olympic and half-iron, and half-marathons. I also play polo (the horse kind).
5. Found the Knot when I was planning my wedding since I knew nothing about weddings. Migrated over to the Nest cause I liked the people and had no interest in weddings once mine was over *LoL*
1. Where are you from.
I was born in Montreal but I have lived near Toronto for the last 24 years.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
I am currently on maternity leave and pondering my options.
3. Married? Children?
I married in June 2006 and have a 2 month old DS.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
I can snap my toes but I can't snap my fingers.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
I started looking at the knot when I was planning my wedding. We decided to have a DW so I sort of forgot about the site. When I was planning to have a baby I started coming to the nest. Now that my DS is here he likes to sleep on me during the day and going on the computer is one of the easiest things to do during this time.
1. Where are you from. I grew up just west of Toronto, lived in Ottawa for university and then moved back to the TO area for work.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc) I work as an engineer for a company that produces aircraft engines in diagnostic technical support
3. Married? Children? I will have been married for 3 years (in November) and our DS is about to turn one tomorrow.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? I was in the army for a while between my first and second year of university and I like to do things on a whim like bungee jumpiong, skydiving, etc.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? I needed help with ideas for the wedding and found the Canadian girls to be very friendly and that is why I came over to the nest after I got married
1. Where are you from. Oshawa Ontario (about 25 min east of Toronto)
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc) I work in a call centre for OnStar in the Emergency Dept. I hope that once this baby comes out I will be staying home and maybe taking some night classes to get a better job.
3. Married? Children? Married and Pregnant.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? I am also a read the whole book in one sitting person.(if I can) I think I have a small amount of ocd (not so bad that I flick the light on and off so many times, but DH hates to help me make a bed.) I crochet. I would say I'm pretty crafty and can make some awesome things myself.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? I came when we were planning our wedding. After finding the knot I have no idea how I would have planned my wedding without it!!! I moved over to the nest after getting married and I stay because I would like to think i've made some 'real' friends on here and it's a great way to get out your frustrations.
Happy Easter
My Blog
1. Where are you from.
- I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario, and now this is where I work and live.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
-I'm a Registered Massage Therapist.
3. Married? Children?
- My DH and I will be celebrating our 1st anniversary on September 28th. We do not have any children and we're in negotiations for maybe starting to TTC sometime late 2009.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
- If I was to describe myself I would think that I'm pretty boring!! I'm a total girlie girl, a control freak and some would say maybe a perfectionist, but I don't think I'm a perfectionist.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
-I started posting on the knot because I loved talking about my wedding, and weddings in general. It was pretty much my life for two years. Now I just enjoy keeping in touch with some of the girls that I got to know on the knot, and I just can't stop myself!
Our answered prayer, Emilie Helen
Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin
After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, Provera+FSH+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
My Blog
My Chart
1. I'm from Toronto, born and bred.
2. I'm a journalist, a producer for our (privately funded) national television broadcaster. My degree is a bachelor in journalism from Ryerson. I'm working towards a post-grad book publishing certificate.
3. I'm married, yes for just over a year. No kids (yet).
4. Interesting? Um.... My party trick is that you can name any book title and I'll know the author. That, and I'm a mean speller. And obviously, a nerd.
5. I came to the Knot because my friend recommended it to me while wedding planning. I really enjoy the community of online 'friends' I've made here and want to touch base with them.
My name is Melanie, and I'm always happy when we welcome new Nesties to our little board!
1. Where are you from.
Good question! Like you, I was born in Newfoundland and lived all over the island before moving to Nova Scotia and then Ontario. Right now we're in flux, moving from Toronto back to Vancouver, where we normally live. (We've been away for a year.) I lived in the UK and Germany, too.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
Right now, I'm an overeducated Hausfrau
I have a bunch of degrees, and was an academic researcher before becoming a mama.
3. Married? Children?
We'll celebrate our 4th anniversary in August, and we have one son and a cat.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
Hmmm. I love to bake and over the last couple of years have gotten interested in cake decorating. (In fact, I'm nesting now between batches of strawberry jam and working on a birthday cake!) Despite having collected a gaggle of degrees, I think I'm fairly home- and family-oriented, even at the cost of a career.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
I got on the Knot while planning our wedding, although didn't really get onto the chatboards until after our wedding. I was then working from a home office and so needed some form of social interaction. This last year, Nesties have been one of the constants in my life as we've been all over the place. Chatting in English kept me sane! And all the collected mom wisdom here is a huge resource.
1. Where are you from. Edmonton
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc) currently a SAHM, was a civil engineer before starting mat leave
3. Married? Children? married with a newborn boy (almost 3 months old)
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? I'm kind of boring I guess. I like to be athletic and keep really busy
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? planning my wedding brought me to the knot. I stay now because I enjoy keeping up with the lives of the online friends I've made, and sharing/getting advice.
1. Where are you from.
I live in Sherwood Park, Alberta (just outside of Edmonton)
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc)
Right now I am working as a Chiropractic Office Assistant. I have my unit clerk certificate, and eventually I want to get into real estate.
3. Married? Children?
Married just shy of 2 years, and no kids. They were supposed to come soon, but we both got diagnosed with being infertile, so now we are going to start the adoption process in a year or so.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?
I am honestly very good at every sport. I love being outside (in nice weather) playing some sort of sport. I don't have a gallbladder anymore, is that interesting? Or just gross? hmm
I have an obsession with candles. I can't stop buying them, and I hardly burn them.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now?
To get some neat ideas for the wedding. Once the wedding was done I had made so many friendships on the board and in real life, so I followed over to the nest to continue!
1. I'm from Mississauga, and now live in Brantford, Ontario
2. I'm a primary/junior school teacher and teach competitive dance part time.
3. Married one year on Monday (same anniv as Triple7!), and pregnant with our first, due mid-December!
4. Hmmm what is interesting about me? I have no idea! I like to think I'm exciting but I can't seem to come up with anything yet.
5. I came to the nest in 2006 when I was planning our wedding, built great friendships and came over to the nest a few months after the wedding!
Welcome to all the newbies!
1. Where are you from. I was born in Sudbury, and have also lived in Thunder Bay, Port Dover and Oshawa (spent most of my life here)... but now I reside in Bowmanville - about 1hr east of Toronto.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc) I am an office manager for a life insurance company, with ~17 agents (my dad is my boss). Before getting married/pregnant, I also owned my own marketing company, but have let that go to the back burner for now (it took a lot of time and attention!).
3. Married? Children? Married October 2006, got pg on the HM and had our son Noah last August.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? I love canoeing, camping, hiking, yoga... things where I feel close to my spirit and nature. I saw Mother Teresa though a window once... I lived in India for 2 months just before she passed away and was volunteering in her homes. I saved an elderly lady from her burning trailer in Florida just days before Christmas... she later sent me a nice letter and a cheque for $100 - my grandpa commented that she must only consider her life to be worth $100. I laughed.
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? I wanted dress ideas when I got engaged, then started on the chat board there. I made some great friends online, which progressed to real life, and I couldn't bare to not know what is going on in everyone's life. Its a social thing for me, as I find my friends from school (etc) are always "too busy" to socialize.
I don't get on the board much anymore but here it goes
1. I live in a small town about 25 mins east of London.
2. I've been a SAHM for 4 and a half years. I am going back to school in September to be a law clerk.
3. I'm married and have been for nearly 3 years. We have 2 little boys. Kellan is 4 and a half and Koen is nearly 2.
4. Nothing overly interesting about me. Let see...finally 9 years after graduating high school, I'm finally getting post-secondary education in the field I want to work in and not doing what everyone told me I should be doing.
5. I came on the knot to get ideas for planning our wedding and then found out I was pg with Kellan so found great support on, what was at that time, the baby talk board and after he was born went back to planning.
1. Where are you from. I live in Edmonton. I was also born and raised there.
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc). I'm a dental assistant
3. Married? Children? Married 5 years this September and have 1 son named Julian who is almost 2.5 years old.
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself?I can't think of anything at the moment so I must not be that interesting afterall ...LOL
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? I started on the Knot when we were planning our DW in Las Vegas and then moved over to the Nest right afterwards. I've made a lot of good friends on the Nest over the years so I like to keep up on their lives by checking in everyday.
1. Where are you from. I am originally from the lower mainland (BC), went to highschool in the Okanaga and now live in Norther BC (Fort St John)
2. What do you do (job/ school/ etc). I am a soon to be SAHM
3. Married? Children? DH and I were married September 1, 2007. Expecting our first little one on July 16th
4. What is something you consider interesting about yourself? Well DH and I are building a house so we currently live in a 27 foot travel trailer and both honestly love it. People think we are crazy but it's our life, not thiers. I enjoy almost any craft including card making and quilting. I also love any outdoor recreation including quading, camping and hunting. I hated hunting before I met DH but he has taught me a lot about the ethics and sport and now I quite enjoy hunting with DH. I shot my first and only deer 2 years ago...and it was bigger than DH's!!! Somthing I love to brag about
5. What was the main thing that brought you to the knot/ nest? What is the main thing that keeps you here now? l found the knot while bored at work about a month after being engaged. I was so obsessed with planning my wedding and browsing other peoples wedding bios for inspiration. I made some really great friends on the knot and couldn't handle being away from the board in "fear" of missing out on everyones exciting news and lives....came over to the nest right after my wedding because I was over the wedding scene and fell into the same 'trap'. I love the girls on this board.
1. I live in Edmonton, I was born here also.
2. I work part time at the Tim Hortons across the street from my place ( I hate it lol). I am also going to school.
3. I am married, since July 2 05, so 3 years. We have 2 kids, a boy (5) and a girl (26 months).
4. I am not really sure about this one. I wouldn't say it is interesting, maybe weird, but I really enjoy a cold glass of milk if I am eating a chocolate bar
DH laughs at me, but has stopped buying me a pop with my chocolate bar, I never drink it lol.
5. I was planning my wedding. Most of the girls that were on the knot when I was there came here to the nest, so I followed. I enjoy lurking, dont post often. I am not on very much anymore now that I have started school. I just like reading the posts and finding out how all the ladies are doing.