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When do you...(being nosy)
plan on TTC? If you are that is (I know some of you don't have kids on your mind any time remotely soon
And for those of you that are prego when do you plan on having another?
For us I can't wait to have another! But we are waiting until I am finished with school in May 2012 and starting to TTC #2 right away then.
Re: When do you...(being nosy)
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
I hope we can start again in 4-5 months!
I totally agree, it seems like so long away for us! Plus its another 9 months after that they even come!
The Life of the E Family
We had been TTC before my knee surgery in January. In Feb I was Dx with PCOS, and went back on BCP while recovering from surgery (it was quite invasive).
We thought we'd be going gang busters to start TTC this summer...but with me getting a new job, and some other things we want to do on the horizon, we WANT a baby, but we also have some other stuff we want to do first. Maybe we'll look into TTC in October/November... I'll have to go on clomid though, and it just sounds scary
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Exciting! I'm totally jealous
The Life of the E Family
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We are going to start TTC about two years from now. Then we want to try for number 2 two years after number 1 is born.
Ok so it sounds strange to refer to them as numbers but i don't know how else to word it! hahaha
What is so exciting!
Unofficially when I pass all four parts of the CPA exam. We planned on waiting until our 2 year ann. which will be in March...then considered waiting a bit more...and now depending on how we feel, once I'm done with the exam.
So *maybe* in January if I'm lucky.
I'm sorry =( PCOS sucks... facial hair, acne, and a debilitating factor in losing weight = the most awesome trifecta EVER! Did your Dr. put you on metaformin or clomid? I went back to BCP since I was rehabing anyway and to lose more weight, which they said will help too. I joined a PCOS group, but... it's weird.
As soon as I find someone willing and able to do it with me.
XH and I were TTC for a year and a half before our separation. Our inability to conceive was actually a huge strain on the marriage and he wasn't willing to even consider adoption and I wasn't willing to live my life without children. So... yeah. That was reason #7 why we separated.
But I want kids soon. I've sort of decided that in 2 years if I haven't found someone willing to make a baby with me I'll just buy some sperm and do it myself. Or adopt as a single parent. My current BF really wants kids, but he's younger than me and wants to wait a few more years. I'm willing to wait until I'm 29 or 30, but don't want to wait much longer than that.
And if everything goes as planned, I want kids back to back to back (and maybe to back). My cousin did that. He has 4 under 4 and he said it was stressful but they are happy they did it that way because the kids are all best friends and since they homeschool it's nice to have them all around the same age for educating them. I'm also considering homeschooling.
Would you consider foster to adopt? If so, it'll cost you nothing and actually the state will pay you as you go through the process! And there are lots of really cool, great kids in foster care. My friend Gabby was a foster child who was adopted when she was 13. She isn't violent or messed up. A little crazy (and Gabby is a nickname so that should give you an idea of her personality!) and quirky but very sweet and caring. And because she was a foster child the state pays for her college education and health insurance until she's 26 (this is California, btw, I'm not sure of Arizona's programs).
I know it sucks, really it does. And I hate getting the "when you having kids" "why aren't you pregnant yet" and all that. But with support from my hubs and friends, I'll get through it. And yup, she put me on Provera for 5 day and then I am on Metformin. Where is this group?
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that sounds great. i'll def start to look into that to get informed as much as possible. we are about 4 yrs so away from making such an important decesion...we did contact the jewish family service place - something or other - and got some basic info on adoption. next time we meet with our rep i'll make sure to ask about this...thx for the info.
Once we get a house, then we'll start TTC prob. So hopefully the house will come w/in the next yr & then baby shortly after that. I'm starting to get some baby fever now, but I know we need to wait until we're more settled.
bwahaha Taylor that was a funny statement.
As for us we planning on waiting until DD is at least 15months old
have a girl! have a girl!
have you consulted the chinese birth predictor?!
Wait...why is it so funny?
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
i hope it's a girl too. the chinese birth predictor lied to me last time, so this time i'll just rely on my 50/50 chance! lol
I cant wait, another Lil Dodger Fan is always great
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Taylor, this is what made me chuckle
well if you do have another boy, at least Em and LB won't fight over D-man