Mississippi Nesties
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Leaving bronze (or newbie!) status
Re: Leaving bronze (or newbie!) status
So our REA couldn't read a single thing I wrote on my application... &I have incredibly neat handwriting!
So they just called saying the phone numberI gave for our current landlord does not exist, and they are just waiting on his recommendation to approve the application.
Well, we were waiting for the application to come thru to give notice to the landlord.
Ugh! Hopefully he gives us a good rec, I sent him an email simultaneously as he was getting a phone call. Hopefully he is good!
Wish us luck. Cause I see us getting really screwed in this situation.
I've been told that the noobs around the salon are intimidated by me.. LOL.
Should that be a good thing, or bad?
As long as you aren't breaking your lease early, you should be fine.
I would shoot someone. Or myself. I worked at Hobby Lobby in high school and college. They started Christmas music in June/July. There are still some songs that literally make me want to punch people in the face. Santa Baby makes me homicidal.
Work it girl. Make 'em skeered.
Good for you! It's always safe to go with the paperwork. Just be prepared for him to start showing your house!
Woohoo! I'm outta here!
I'm sure I'll be on here later posting random randomness as I hunt for things online
You know it!!
You know, I've never had a coffee drink at Starbucks. Only cider and hot chocolate. I'm not a big coffee fan. I'm wondering if I would like a latte though.
I haven't seen that one. I watched the Ashton Kutcher version of that story...can't remember the name of it right now. It was terrible. But then so is Ashton, so there you go. LOL
The commercials totally skeeved me out. I don't think I could sit down and watch an episode. I mean, come on, have you never seen a kiss on tv or in a movie? Even if you're doing it for religious reasons, there are kisses in G and PG movies that aren't all creepy and awkward!
It was SUPER creepy! We paused it a million times to yell at the tv, and once it was over C says "They need to make that a permanent show!". (I'm giving him the side-eye for that one) It would be one thing if TLC chose people who had strong convictions about staying virgins, but instead they chose the most socially awkward, possibly in the closet, people ever.
The girl who got married for sure has some MAJOR kink in her. She was just devouring her new husband, who kept backing away. She bought crotchless panties for their wedding night. I'm just not sure how you go from no sex to crotchless panty sex! And it was sad how the next morning the guy was like "it wasn't as good as I expected".
From that, it has the feeling to me like the American Idol auditions. People are put on tv just to make fun of their "shortcomings" or whatever the proper term to use is. It's one thing if they're "all there" and just oblivious. But the people who have some type of issues but are put on there anyway...NOT COOL.
Oh that's the terrible!
. How did nobody help them set their expectations. Surely a friend/sibling/someone could have told them that it would be awkward as all heck the first time, are really not that much fun. My first time was with another virgin also. Very awkward. At least he had...let's say...watched some videos before, so he had some concept of what to do. LOL