Mississippi Nesties
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Leaving bronze (or newbie!) status
Re: Leaving bronze (or newbie!) status
I haven't spent much time in CO. One week in Grand Junction and that was about it. I lived in UT for 8 years growing up though. Similar (though not the same I guess).
All I can say is good luck to his fiance. she has no idea what she's getting in to I'm sure. Did I mention that his brother is in jail for multiple violent felonies?
Ok. I need to vent and I apologize for sounding like a brat.
As we all know, we're moving tomorrow. We have hired movers to get all of my stuff out of storage. I have pretty much everything for the house; all the furniture, dishes, utensils, appliances, etc. For whatever reason (and maybe this is normal) when I move & unpack I kind of have an issue with other people unpacking "my" stuff. To me, they don't know where I want things and it totally slows the process down if I'm constantly being asked "where does this go?" Nevermind that we are planning on washing all the kitchen stuff as it comes out of boxes so it's not like they can put stuff anywhere anyway. Note: I have decided to get post-its and label the kitchen cabinets to help with this.
Apparently Chris's parents (read:MOM) are feeling left out or something and really want to help us move. We keep saying "we have movers" but they keep insisting. (sigh) So they are meeting us at the house at 1 tomorrow to "help". HELP with WHAT??? Watch the cable guy hook up the cable? I have suggested to C that they "help" by running to the store for us (they offerred to run errands) and also the 3 of them can go to his storage and get stuff from there. Let me do my thing.
Then (and this for whatever reason makes me insane) they want to take us out for dinner. Going "out to eat" with them is not Friday's or Chili's or something. It's...more. You know what I want after a day of moving? Pizza delivered. We're going to be gross after unpacking--dusty and stuff, prob not sweaty since the weather is awesome--I wasn't planning on looking like a human ready for the public tomorrow...apparently I need to now. And how am I going to justify leaving a mess for 2+ hours so my already exhausted pregnant self can come home and continue unpacking even later in the night? I'm a little bit OCD when it comes to getting boxes unpacked from a move.
They don't know I'm preggo yet so I think I feel uncomfortable around them already trying to hide it, and now they're going to be in my stuff, and I realize I'm being a whiny brat, I just need to vent. I HATE MOVING. (whine whine whine. I NEED some damn wine!)
I may have to send you my number so you can surrepticiously take a pic and txt it to me.
Can you put her to work to help you clean? I always like to scrub the house down when I move to a new place...bathrooms and kitchen in particular. Maybe she can help wipe down the kitchen so that when you unload the dishwasher it's ready to go. Then she can move to the bathroom so that when you go to take a shower to get ready for dinner, it'll be nice and clean for you. Even if it's not dirty to begin with, she can feel useful. And it doesn't involve moving any of your stuff!
I feel the same way about people touching my stuff. My mom is about the only exception to it. I won't even let people pack my stuff because they don't know how to wrap things or how to pack properly. I'm a little OCD on some stuff...
Oh oh! good idea!! ::running off to send a PM::
Let her come over & scrub toilets and bathrooms & vaccuum.
I get what you mean when you say youre OCD about having others move you. We had movers for when we moved out here. It was a nightmare for me. They didnt unpack anything though. They just put the boxes in the rooms they belonged. Which....did not happen.
Just RELAX. Let them come over. & tell them you just want pizza. They can go get fancy ass pizza to suite their needs.
I think you're right. She's not the "cleaner" in the family, his dad is, but my garden tub is kinda dirty and I can't bend over that to clean it...but maybe she can!!!
Boo...our gas won't be on until Monday. No shower until then (we're staying at my parents sunday night bc we have the dr so early and our house is an hour away from my dr.).
If your tub is getted get some jet cleaner, and run a few cycles with the jets on. Ours were NASTY the first time I tried to take a bath.
Sry about the gas. Atleast it works out with the drs appt!
Are you changing drs, or are you going to drive back & fourth for all your OB appts?
We will drive back and forth. I absolutely adore my doctor, and Chris has been thoroughly impressed with the practice as well. I've been seeing them for 7 years or so for gyn appts, so it just seems natural to continue with them. It's a drive but for my comfort level it's totally worth it.
As an added bonus, baby bean (Today she is Emily Allison. nevermind that I don't know she's a she...) will be delivered at the same hospital i was delivered at. I kinda like that!
I like that too!
Have you mentioned getting engaged?
So I'm "babysitting" so my sis(& SO) could relax & go out to dinner, & maybe BITC (if you figure it out props to you).
Well they are late.
I have to be to dinner with inlaws in 45 mins...its like driving from Katy, to Downtown. NO WAY IN HELL WILL I MAKE IT THERE IN TIME.
She wont respond to my texts, damn BITCing. Ugh.
I LOVE the cut!!!
It looks fantastic. (Chris just said "It does look good, I like the cut", so he approves too!) LOL!
"Bounce In The Car"??? (like, car sex?) LMAO, I have no clue... hopefully you made it to dinner on time!!! Where'd ya eat? Send pics of the doily!!!!
She didn't wear one today! But shedid fall asleep in her salad....face first, drooling. I felt bad I didn't take a pic, plus I forgot his family thinks phones during dinner is rude, and will yell at me like I'm 5.
We ate at Chipolte, the only food place I dispise.
I also got a "get well" card that said "glad you're still in Mint condition..." with a bag of peppermint tea in it. & a nightie/extra long shirt that says....grabs bag.... "she who decorates has room for improvements"
It also one size fits no one, so I think it will just accidentally fall into the trash...
Ugh, I'm exhausted.
What an...interesting gift! Hahaha! I'm not a chipotle fan either...guess we don't need to worry about any meetups there.
I would have paid money to see her fall asleep in her salad. What is wrong with her?
Off to get some sleep. I'll check in with ya ladies tomorrow night.
Yet I couldent get a few more days of pain pills when I was in a CAR ACCIDENT, because of becoming addicted? The healthcare system amazes me.
Have fun moving today!
You should start telling family your pg, you are 13 weeks!
You look beautiful! I love it!
And the cleave is hot
Yay that unpacking is going well. How did it do with the future inlaws?