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Re: Aunt
NOW this thread has taken an ugly turn (and crossed boards).
I went to get a reality check to see if in fact I was being overly sensitive to the direction the post had gone. I don't think a group of mostly white chicks can reasonably review their own conversation and determine whether someone from another race would take it that way or not.
And the reviews are mixed. Some say it could seem yucky and some say it was nbd.
So looks like i owe Almond $50, at least so far.
But it turns really ugly to stalk someone over to a board. Incidentally I didn't X/P the link over there because just in case someone took it the way I did, I wasn't trying to bring strangers over to slam people they didn't otherwise know. I really wanted to know - did it just feel yuck to me, or am I the only one willing to say it?
I am perfectly OK being overly sensitive on an issue. I would prefer that to being accused of being insensitive any day.
- Paula Deen to 104.1 KRBE's Producer Eric 9/17/2011
No one stalked you, I lurk on many of the national boards since the Houston board has been so slow. Other people found it on their own too. Stalking you would not be worth my time/effort/energy.
You mentioned posting it over there to get more view points. Of course people are going to go see if your put it out there.
It didn't turn racist until you got bent out of shape about a white girl saying it to a black girl. I would bet my own $50 that most of the people on here didn't give it a second thought until the novels started.
You cannot be serious.
A) I didn't realize that people from this board aren't allowed to go to another board. Hardly stalking, MB.
C) YOU brought race into this and turned this into a cross-board race issue. Thanks for that.
you know what else is irritating aside from the improper pronounciation of "ask"???.....the word YUCKY.
you know what else is irritating aside from the improper pronounciation of "ask"???.....the word YUCKY.
Outsider coming in. I never thought HP was being racist. WTH? Didn't she work with poor little African kids earlier last year? That's something a racist would do.
And also I read this yesterday and never once thought her comment was racist. It only turned bad once someone said, Black girl, White Girl.
Hey now you can say, half white / half mexican girl # 1. Woot!
- Paula Deen to 104.1 KRBE's Producer Eric 9/17/2011
Who were they mocking though?! Again, you were the ONLY one to bring race into it.
Trying to just let the thread comments go (because before when I responded to them I was accused of NOT letting it go). But your opinion matters to me so I'll reply.
Just to recap to keep things in perspective: In my first comment, I wrote (c&p):
"As for "axe" - it used to get on my nerves more than it does now. Axe rolls off the tongue much more easily than "ask." And if you always heard it growing up that way (like warsh instead of wash, ideer instead of idea, etc.), it is really difficult to change. To mock someone for saying axe when they otherwise pronounce everything perfectly and have proper grammar almost seems racist since it is a pronounciation that is predominately used in African American circles. (definitely not saying anyone here is being that way - just food for thought).
So someone can and should concentrate and say "ask" if they don't want to sound ignorant. But to judge them if they are being relaxed and familiar, if they are stressed, or if they are otherwise in a hurried communication state where their regional accents or dialect will emerge is just more uptight than I really have time for in my old age."
When the vehement outcry that there was nothing remotely racist nor could it at all be taken that way emerged, I did go to get a perspective from people who are not all non-African American (excluding Almond, obviously).
Rather than c&p the link there, which would invite anyone who did in fact agree to start attacking houston nesties in a thread that is one snapshot without context of who all the involved nesties were, I gave the short version of what led up to my initial post (not the drama that came after including clarification/cross-clarification, etc.). So over there, if you read the replies, some people were said things like definitely-random-but-not-racist; can-see-why-it-made-one-uncomfortable-and-definitely-unnecessary; i-dunno-it-sorta-seems-like-racial-basis-in-their-somewhere, etc. It was mixed. And I came back and said, "ok almond I owe you $50" within all that drama. (And for context, there are about 3-5 "is this racist?" posts on that board every week, if not more, so the title was completely within the context of common posts over there).
I did not explicitly elaborate what really triggered that uncomfortable gut feeling (by pointing out halfpint's comment) until after the drama blew up because to tell you the truth I was having trouble pinpointing it. I wasn't trying to come out say, 'y'all are a bunch o' racists!' but instead said literally what is written above - mocking someone for it when all other things considered they have proper grammar and vocabular seems almost racist.
That didn't include Jax's stream of metatheses examples or your string of the same, or anyone else's string of "all these kinds of words get on my nerves."
The fact is while she has stayed clear in the rest of this thread, it didn't feel right to bettyjoe either and she is the only one who came out and said that.
I'm clearly a lone ranger in my perception of whether the thread went down a dangerous road or not (before my post). But I would hate to think that saying - "hey this post is getting uncomfortable and could be taken in a whole other context whether intended that way or not" crosses some line of appropriateness. It's just having a conscience.
- Paula Deen to 104.1 KRBE's Producer Eric 9/17/2011
MB, I appreciate your response but ultimately I have an issue with 3 things:
* TxBootsy never even indicated whether she did (or did not) use the word.
* You made what was otherwise a friendly discussion on the many words that are often mis-pronounced into a whole different, much more controversial, topic. No one else ever stated or implied that the word was used by any one race in particular. You made that supposition on your own.
* At no point was anyone "mocking" anyone, at least the way I took it. You merely mentioning that concept seemed to further promote your otherwise unfounded racial implications.
I appreciate your point of view in general...and very often agree with you...but in this case, I think you just flat went overboard (unnecessarily).
- Paula Deen to 104.1 KRBE's Producer Eric 9/17/2011