So I finally wrote up Abalone's birth story for those interested. Abalone is pronounced Aba-loan (I think KSun had asked). Sorry this is late. It has been crazy.
Sunday January 15, 2012 I woke up feeling really tired and cranky. I rested and did a few things around the house. At around 3pm I was feeling some wetness and cramping and thought maybe my bag of water was leaking. DH and I took the dog for a hike up South Table Mesa. During the hour long hike I started feeling some stronger contractions and more wetness. When we got home I called the midwife to see what she thought. She said she wasn?t sure if it was my bag of water leaking, but to call her back in about an hour to see how things were going and to discuss if she needed to see me. I was GBS positive so if it was my bag of water I would need antibiotics. I timed the contractions which were about 6-7 minutes apart and ate some dinner. When I called the midwife back she said to come on in so when DH got out of the shower we headed that way.
The midwife checked me around 6:30 pm and concluded that it was not my bag of water leaking and sent me home. She suggested a glass of wine and a bath. I actually bought the bottle of wine and a bottle of whiskey for DH since his birthday was the 20th while in labor. I had a glass of wine in the bath when we got home. Then I went to bed to relax between contractions. As the contractions grew stronger I would go back a forth between the bathroom and bed and then took another bath. DH called the midwife as I was starting to have to vocalize during contractions.
We got to the midwife center at 12:45am and I was at 9cm. I got IV antibiotics and got in the tub. I started feeling the urge to push and after pushing through a couple contractions decided I wanted out of the tub. I got out of the tub and had a contraction leaning over holding on to Mike and then moved to the birthing stool. That is where I pushed her out at 1:47am.
She had a short cord so after moving to the bed they clamped and cut the cord before delivering the placenta so she could be moved from lying on my belly to my chest. They had to give me a shot of Pitocin to help my uterus contract down. Abby latched a breastfed and then I got some stitches. After some food and a soak in the tub we left the birth center at 6:00am. Then we got home and snoozed.
Re: Abalone's birth story
Congrats! It sounds like you had a great birth experience.
I have always heard Abalone pronounced Ah-bah-loan-ee, so I am glad you clarified the pronunciation!
Do you mind if I ask what the derivation of her name is?
M/C 09.30.11
My husband went to college in Northern California and would go diving for Abalone (pronounced like you are use to). We have a lot of the beautiful shells. It was DH's idea and I thought it was pretty. We will call her Abby too.
Thanks for the pronunciation - I also thought it was pronounced ab-uh-loh-nee
Katie Talks About...
I think this is probably for the best.
Congrats on your daughter!
Tracy was my midwife and there was a midwife intern and the nurse. It was great to have so much personal attention!
Married Bio
Is it pronounced like this?
Rude. Rude. Rude.
Gldngrl, congrats on your baby girl and your birth story sounds like it was a great experience for you (:
my read shelf:
This is special. Thank you for sharing.
I think it is a pretty name, but I can see where Pixy is coming from. Abby will have to correct everyone on her name's pronunciation. This is also my experience and I can tell you it gets annoying. I'm not going to lie, it is rough as a kid. Being older now, it definitely has its benefits but it still gets annoying sometimes still today.
Yeah, I didn't so much think it was rude, just that considering a couple of us didn't know how Abalone was pronounced, Abby is a much easier name to go by.
Katie Talks About...
DS 09/08
If it was a name she was considering it would be one thing but it's her daughters name so those kinds of comments are uncalled for IMO. If someone said that about my LO's name it would piss me off.
But you named your kid a name that doesn't have multiple pronunciations. From another person being called the "wrong" name, it's nice to have an option that leaves no doubt.
eta: Congrats on the little one!
Yes,I'm smiling...I'm a marathoner!
Bloggy McBloggerson
CO Nestie Award Winner-Prettiest Brain-Back to Back!
2011 Bests
5K-22:49 10K-47:38 Half Mary-1:51:50
2012 Race Report
1/1-New Year's 5K-22:11
2/11-Sweetheart Classic 4-mile-29:49
3/24-Coulee Chase 5K-21:40
5/6-Colorado Marathon-4:08:30
5/28-Bolder Boulder 10K
4 losses: Blighted ovum 1/11, CP 12/11, CP 3/12, and our perfectly healthy baby girl Charlotte Grace, missed M/C 5/31/12 at 8w5d
Surprise unmedicated BFP 9/21/12!! Beta #1 9/22 (10 DPO): 46 Beta #2 9/24 (12 DPO): 226! Heartbeat 136 bpm at 7w! It's a BOY! Theodore Joshua 5/23/13 7:36am 7lb 13 oz, 19.25 in