New Jersey Nesties
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how often does your family eat out/take out dinner?
I am getting tired of planning and preparing meals and wish i could swing take out or eating out 4-5 nights a week - lol! but my waist would be huge and my wallet thin!
although, the last few weeks we have relied heavily on prepared foods from the supermarket or costco, so there isn't a huge difference except it would be the entire meal and less clean up.
right now, we probably get take out or eat in a restaurant once, maybe twice, a week. dh and i bring lunch to work 99% of the time.
i think i'm going to add in an extra meal out or two - how often does your family eat out?
Re: how often does your family eat out/take out dinner?
Hardly ever. With our schedule and my diet take out just doesn't work for us. I might get Travis fries at the rink if he hasn't really eaten that day b/c 95% of the time he will eat those. But thats kind of as close to take out as we've had in a long time.
As a matter of fact right before Christmas was the last time we had takeout.
Too much!
We generally eat out a lot on the weekends for lunch and dinner. But we are trying really hard to make it one meal tops per week now.
ETA: WE are also trying to bring our lunches but we have both been bad lately.
I'd rather cook on the weekends when I could plan to be home and have the time. It's so hectic midweek that I'd rather not cook or clean or think ahead!
We get hoagies (takeout) every Tuesday. We usually eat out for lunch or dinner on Saturday and have started going out for breakfast on Sunday after church. But breakfast is hit or miss at the place we go so I'm thinking about nixing this and just making something Saturday that I can reheat quickly on Sunday when we get home.
ETA: We bring leftovers for lunch during the week. Then again, I love cooking so I don't mind cooking 5 or 6 nights a week.
before Griffin DH and I ate out a LOT... insane amount
then with Griffin we went to a restaurant at least once/week, and probably got take out once/week.
since the twins we've cut back a lot - finances, and time, etc. We tried to take them all out to eat at least once every 2 weeks... for the experience, etc. But lately the twins are at that hell age that going anywhere with them that isn't play based is hell for us... so we haven't been going out to eat at all in months as a family. Dh and I try to go at least once/ month on a date- but sometimes that doesn't happen either.
My home office. Joeyzlovieg's hubby made it for me. I love it!
we were doing take out and going to resturants 3 - 4 nights a week before the holidays. with the new year we set some new goals for weight loss and budget a result, we're cooking home a lot more m is at that age where she doesn't want to be cooped up in a high chair for an hour...she wants to eat and then roam...its working well...i crockpot a couple times a week, we eat leftovers, and then a couple of 10 minute ww meals...
For us its more that we are running all the errands that piled up during the week and we have to eat out. KWIM?
Since MH isn't home until bedtime 99% of the time, I'd have to be BSC to go out with the boys alone for dinner. Last time I did that it was so horrible all three of us cried the entire way home.
a lot. I have breakfast w/my Dad every sunday at the diner. Wednesday I usually pick something up and bring it to his house so we can have dinner together. Fridays we go to a pizza place (I don't always have pizza) after G's karate class. We probably go out to dinner every other saturday night. there are a lot of healthy options to get in most places, you just have to do your research first.
Rarely during the week since the new year- and almost always on Saturday nights- sometimes breakfast on Sundays- We like to go out on Saturdays as a family- Breakfast is like 2 times a month- and we usually do get bagels on saturday mornings- but i don't consider that take out since it is $2 for 3 bagels-
We used to get take out 2-3 times a week and then out almost all meals on saturday and one on sunday-
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
We usually get take out either Friday or Saturday night, so once a week.
We go out to eat infrequently, maybe once every 6 weeks?
H is provided a lunch option at work every day, so he never worries about lunch. I bring leftovers to work for lunch every day there isn't an inservice for teachers!
H and I both like cooking though, and most of the time we cook together and share the clean up. We usually pick a fancy recipe on the weekend night we don't get takeout to make together. Last weekend we made this seafood stew that probably cost us more to make ourselves than it would have cost in a restaurant, lol.
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