This came up in conversation with my husband last week so I'm curious what the norm is.
Do you have a best friend? I'm defining this as someone you chat with
on a regular basis either via phone or email. Who you could call in the
middle of the night for an emergency, who's couch you could crash on if
need be, who would always have your back in any situation. Who if you
needed to dump a body, would grab their car keys and offer to drive
(kidding, but you know what I mean).
I don't and haven't since high school. He has not one but two best friends who fit the above criteria. I admit, I'm jealous. I have plenty of friends, but no one I feel especially close to. It makes it tough when there are things I want to talk about with someone other than him.
How about you?
Re: NCR: Do you have a best friend?
I have a few friends that fit that description but unfortunately they all live back home. It is looking like we might be moving back home later this year and I can?t wait to be able to see them more often!!
DH on the other hand doesn?t really have a ?best friend.? He had a lot of good friends in collage and kept in touch with them some but eventually after we moved so much (and they did too) they lost contact.
Yes. She is currently enrolled in nursing school on weekends and has a full-time job during the week. She graduates this August and I am stoked. Although I only see her about once every two to three weeks, I definitely talk to her almost every other day via phone calls, texts, email and/or cards. (I send her a card a week)
She stood up at my wedding, helped delivered my baby and she is my soul mate as a friend. I am so blessed to truly have a friend like her.
I haven't in a couple of years. I know its because all of my friends now have kids and since I don't, we just have less to talk about. I have friends that would meet some of those criteria but not one person that meets them all.
Ironically, I'm pretty sure all of my friends would choose me as the one to call in the middle of the night.
Married / The Cookaholic Wife
Yes, I'm lucky in this respect.
We've been friends for more than 25 years. We lead very different lives and lifestyles, and sometimes we don't talk for weeks or see each other for even longer and it always picks right back up from where we were.
She knows where all the bodies are buried; we talk about our relationship issues freely with each other and pretty much everything and anything else. There's kind of an unspoken 'no judgement' pact - like no matter what we talk about in terms of our DHs there's never any weirdness if the four of us are together.
We had a girls' night out with some other friends a few weeks ago and we just laugh and laugh until our stomachs hurt. I love her.
I don't know if this sort of friendship can be formed with someone that you don't spend your formative years with... I'd be interested to hear otherwise.
I also have a good group of nestie friends that shares a lot with each other, and that also is sort of a no judgment zone - you really need a safe environment like that to be able to share and reach out.
Yeah that's right my name's Yauch!
I'd say yes, at least in regards to the no-judgement part. My friends that I've had the longest are the quickest ones to be judgmental and I'm the same with them. Best interests, maybe? I don't know. But a friend I made in college is my only no-judgment friend. She's the one I'm most open and honest with.
Married / The Cookaholic Wife
I have a group of 4 girls (not including me) who have all been friends since 6th grade, some of us since 1st grade. They all fill the roles you're describing though one might be better at listening to personal problems and one might be better at dumping a body. Collectively, they are my best friends.
Then, my college roommate and I also have a best friend type of relationship though she also has other "best friends" like I do. We tend to have a more similar personality and our lives have tracked more closely (same college, same major, marriage around the same time, etc).
I guess that means I don't have one BEST friend but a small set of A-listers who would fill the roles you described.
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Yes, I have about 5 girls that fit that description. I wouldn't say any one of them is my only best friend and we are also mutual friends (most of us have been "a group" since high school). I'm lucky to have them, and they are all friends to me in different ways.
DH does, but he doesn't talk to them frequently anymore b/c of distance and families but if he needed anyone at 3am he'd have about 4 guys come running.
Me, other than my mom? Nope. I have some girlfriends, but I haven't really been close since college. People moved to different coasts or countries and life just gets in the way. Sometimes I'm jealous, but I really do enjoy DH and DD's company so much. I know it will be harder though once my mom isn't around. I chat with her on a daily basis
Yup. We've been friends since grade school. We currently live ~500 miles apart, so we only get to see each other 4-6 times a year, and we're not big on chatting on the phone, but we always pick up right where we left off. She's coming on vacation with BF and I in April, and I can't wait!!! I'd fly across country in a heartbeat for her, if she needed me, and I know she'd do the same for me.
I have a group of local friends who are very good friends, but I'm not sure I'd call them best friends. We met through the dance studio that I work at. But when I was in a car accident a year ago, I texted them that I could use some company after a rough day, and they all showed up right away, without hesitation, and I'm blessed to have them in my life. We all go out every Wednesday for drinks and appetizers after the dance class that I teach.
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I do have a best friend. We have been best friends since we met in 7th grade, and while we haver certainly had some ups and downs, I know we will always be there for eachother. We are relocating about 600 miles away in the next couple of months, and the thing that makes me the saddest is leaving her.
I know we will stay in touch, but it won't be the same. And, it sounds silly, but I am so afraid I won't be able to make new friends when we move!
My DH is the opposite, he has several good friends, but I would not say he has a best friend.
Yup! Had my BFF since 5th grade. I have actually been close with the same group of about 6 girls since high school, but have one true best friend. My husband is also really close to his friends from high school, but actually, at this point, he would probably say my BFF's huband is his best friend. We all hang out so much together, and they've actually gotten really close.
My BFF is 38 weeks pregnant right now and this excites me to no end! I know my H and I will be like aunt and uncle to this baby.
I don't have anyone that I consider my best friend. I moved every 3 years growing up due to my dad being in the military, so I don't have any life-long childhood friends. In college, all my friends dispersed and they all got married and had kids while I went to grad school, so we all just grew apart.
Growing up, I don't remember my mom having many friends as a military wife, and I think I'm doomed to more acquaintances than deep friendships.
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Yes, I have had the same best friend since we were 6 years old. Our moms have been best friends since they were in junior high, so our families have been extremely close for 40+ years.
My best friend lives about 2 hours away from me, and I don't get to see her too often these days.
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I do! We have been besties since we were 3 and next door neighbors. Our parents stayed neighbors until 4 or 5 years ago when her parents built a new house in a different subdivision. She is the honest voice in so many situations. She is definitely a rock in my life.
My husband does as well; 2 best friends since middle school/HS that would do the same for us.
I have about 3 people that I would say fit that criteria. I live 9 hours away from all of them and my family
They all live in my hometown so they also have other friends and all of their family nearby. One of them I met when we were 6 years old, and I've been friends with the other two for 12 years or so.
They are each at different points in their lives as well...unfortunately I think we've grown apart a little. We see each other a couple of times a year, and chat fairly often. I am a SAHM and we keep moving for DH's job, so it's hard to even make new friends....not that I even have much free time...but I do miss hanging out with girlfriends.
DH has a couple of friends....but I would say he's closer to his brother than to them.
Interesting, I guess I get the best interest part but having grown up together we've seen each other at our most awkward, most disgusting, most bad choice, most ugly moments in our lives - plus we know why the other is the way they are, because we've grown up together, more or less.
College would include what I meant by "the formative years" when you are still developing as a functioning adult.
You might be best friends with Sally from your grown up Lamaze class, but Sally probably has never held your hair while you puked everywhere or held your hand back in your early 20's when you broke up with THE ONE (who wasn't). That kind of thing is what I'm talking about.
Yeah that's right my name's Yauch!
Levi 4.21.10
I would say yes. Although, all of my friends are people I've met since college. The friends I had in HS & college - we rarely speak. No falling out, we just grew apart. Or I guess grew up.
I have one very close friend I met through DH. Another I met through a job, though the last year has been rough between us.
I also have a group of girlfriends that I am pretty sure I could call at any hour of the night for any reason and they would do the same. We all talk daily & when we don't, I miss them.
DH has a best friend like that - he's know him since grade school, but they became close in college. The only reason he wouldn't help him bury a body is that he lives halfway across the country. They talk daily though via email.