A coworker just used the phrase "Jew them down " as an expression. I'm Jewish, and find this pretty damn offensive. I am not into religion but when using my religion as a way to call someone cheap, yea, offensive.
Do I say something, or just let it go. I really don't want to create drama, but at the same time I don't want her to think this phrase is ok and say it ever again.
Update: I said something and she was like oh I didn't mean it that way...and I said that there is no other way for it to be interpreted. That I know she is not a bigoted person but for future reference , there is no nice way to interpret that phrase. She got s little defensive. Which doesn't surprise me AT ALL.
Re: Would you say something? UPDATED
I would most definitely say something.
Husbands should be like Kleenex: Soft, strong, and disposable.
YES! OMG, yes.
The crap that has come out of my co-workers mouths over the years is mind blowing. I always, always call them on it. Hell, it doesn't even matter if it something offensive against me or not and I call them on it.
Daycare is SO exhausting!
Yes, say something. I have met complete idiots that didn't even know that they were saying "Jew" as in Jewish. They legitimately thought it was like "ju" and was unrelated. But even idiots need to be schooled.
We're kind of going out.
Wow. Tacky!
If you don't want to create drama, let it go. If you don't mind putting someone politely in their place, say something.
I would absolutely say something about it, and not in a very nice way either.
Who SAYS that, other than my racist FIL?!
I don't think I'd be able to bite my tongue but I wouldn't beat her to death verbally over it. Something like "I'm sure you meant no harm, however I am Jewish and I find that term distasteful, as do many other people, Jews and non Jews.".
I would WANT to yell at her, but then she'd just write me off as a crazy person.
::whispers:: what does it mean?
I think something like this is perfect.
Husbands should be like Kleenex: Soft, strong, and disposable.
yes, yes, omg yes, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, yes say something.
holy crap!
I would say something to the person. I would not contact HR if there is a chance they're just ignorant and didn't intend a racial slur.
Jewish-American Princess. It's basically like telling any other female that they're "Daddy's little Princess" but in a WAY more racist way.
Jewish American Princess, I am assuming.
This is perfect. The last two things I brought up at my work I truly believe that they had zero idea what they were saying and that it could be offensive. If she knows what she is saying and doesn't care, well then I would go to HR but not right away.
Couldn't jap also stand for Japenese? I think it is a post WWII slur.
Daycare is SO exhausting!
I hate this sort of thing. He/she made a really ugly, bigoted remark; and you are the one who has to wonder how to handle it so you're not insulted again, only without making waves.
I'd send a nice email saying "I am sure you don't realize, but the phrase "jew them down" is considered very offensive, and I am hoping you won't say it again. Thanks!" Then you'll get an email back about how they weren't trying to be offensive and how they know Jewish people and they say this all the time and it's ok with those Jewish people they know. Then you can email back and say, brightly, 'well, maybe those Jewish people don't mind, but this one does! Thanks so much! " and then you'll get that shocked silence.
I'm not Jewish but get offended when people say comments like that.
That too, but with all the letters capped, I assumed they meant the other. Speaking of learning that something is offensive, I had no idea the term "gypped" was bad until I looked it up. Learning something new everyday!
I fought this fight when I told a white person to not use the 'N' word around me. ("but I knoooowwww black people")
Yes, she meant jewish american princess.
i'm glad you did this. for yourself. and hopefully you gave her something to think about.