Sorry to put this on D&R but you know I think this board is simply the best.
Today is a hard day for me and I have to put down somewhere (other than FB) my feelings since I don't blog. Today is Jonathan's birthday - for those who don't know, my son died on 3/1 when his apartment caught fire. He was simply put the best thing I have ever done in my life HANDS DOWN. I had 4 miscarriages before I delivered him so he was truly a miracle boy to me. My heart aches so badly today, I never imagined such physical pain like this. But I am going to make it thru the day. I had hoped to be doing better but right now I am just a mess, inside and out
Today is also the second meeting of all the lawyers and fire investigation team, trying to determine the cause of the fire. We have no closure on this, no final death certificate to start the painful process of closing accounts, etc......his certificate has a big PENDING on it.
Asking for prayers today for me, my husband Dave, Jonathan's dad Larry, his stepmom Ingrid and especially Jonathan's brother Benjamin, age 17, who has lost his big brother.
Happy Birthday my angel in heaven - I can't wait to see you again. For now, we will send our love and birthday wishes skyward. And fyi, Indy would like to eat your piece of birthday cake, if that's ok.
Thanks ladies for letting me write here. Have a good day!
A fews pics...
Jonathan and mom, he was a year old in this pic, OMG my hair and those huge glasses.....1988 called and needs then back right now:
Jonathan in 2012:
Our last pic together taken on 2/6/12 - I look at this pic and wonder if I will ever be happy like she was?
We started a memorial garden and some dear friends at work gave us this beautiful stone to put in the garden - it makes me happy
I love this photo - I commissioned to have Jonathan's name written in the sand by a very special person, it was done at a beautiful beach in Australia. I'm going to get it printed and framed for my family for Mother's Day. If anyone wants the website, let me know. It costs $20 I believe. Look up "seashore of remembrance" and you will get to Carly's website.
Re: NDR: Missing my son today - he would be 25 : (PIPs)
Go Phils!!
I am so sorry again for your loss and I can't imagine how hard this day must be for you. I hope that you get the closure you guys need quickly from everyone so you can continue your healing process.
Wives Unscripted
My heart breaks for you. No parent should have to experience the loss of a child. Absolutely inconceivable. I am so very sorry. (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
Lifting you and your family up in prayer on this bittersweet day. Praying for closure on the fire investigation and for healing for your family.
thinking of you and your sweet son today.
BFP #1 2.12.11 EDD 10.23.11 D&C 11w6d | BFP #2 6.23.11 EDD 2.29.12 MC 5w2d
BFP #3 4.20.12 EDD 1.1.13 Beta #1 12DPO 99 Beta #2 14DPO 223
6w1d U/S - one cute little blob! 8w1d U/S HB 174bpm!
BFP Chart
TTC Baby #2 - BFP on 12/14/11 @ 10DPO - CP confirmed 12/18/11
BFP #2 on 1/13/12
Still thinking of you and praying for you, my friend.
((((( hugs )))))
I love his name in the sand.
Consider joining the bone marrow registry
Your post brought tears to my eyes. I am sorry you are in such pain. I hope you can find peace and comfort and one day truly smile again.
Happy Birthday Jonathan.
I'm so very sorry.
Happy Birthday Jonathan.
My sister, whom we lost in a car accident on Xmas Eve, has a birthday next month, just days before mine. I don't know how I'm going to manage. I know we're virtually strangers, but I think of you often and hope you're well. (((hugs)))
You and your family continue to be in my prayers Diane. I'm so sorry that everything is still in such a state of "pending" right now--I can only imagine how much more difficult that must make things.
That photo of Jonathan's name on the beach is just breathtaking.