So, KHC bought a Lego something-or-other, one of those creatures you put together, a robot or something. And he put it together, and we helped him, and it was just .. designed badly. It fell apart almost immediately, the joints weren't secured very well, and it was just a total flop.
KHC was mad, so I told him to write a letter to Lego. Which he did, laboriously, on notepaper. And we mailed it.
Two weeks later, we got a letter back from Lego. From their customer service department. Telling KHC that he probably just put it together wrong and that it was important to pay careful attention to the directions.
Really, Lego?
KHC was mad. Like, SUPER mad. He's pretty meticulous about Legos; he's like a little Communist and loves following directions. The Lego people thinking he was deficient at following their directions made him so upset. He was super quiet for the rest of the night.
Seriously, wtf. I don't know what I expected -- maybe a nice note telling KHC they'll look into the problem or something. I sure didn't expect "F*ck you, kid; you're just doing it wrong."
(For the record, after we got the letter, the next day H and I rebuilt the robot thing, and -- yeah. It's just badly designed.)
Re: Speaking of letters.
That is CRAP. What kind of response is that to a customer who buys your product?!
Poor KHC. Fight the man, little guy!
what jerks! i'd take this to FB or twitter or something to shame them. who responds to a kid like that? omg.
the only proper response to a handwritten letter from a kid about a faulty toy is coupons for more toys or something.
WTF is right. Even if your kid sucked at Legos, the right answer from a customer service department is "We are so sorry you had a bad experience. Here is a coupon for another set".
That they sent that dickish response to a handwritten letter on notepaper is even more wtf-worthy. I'm betting it was adorable.
Yup. I would take it to twitter.
Okay, good. I was wondering if I was being unnecessarily mama-bear about this. But it really was a coldly-worded letter, and it upset my kid, and f*ck those people.
Updated September 2012.
My kids love Legos. Most of the sets are great, but some are truly crap and fall apart even as you are building them. And almost all of them are show pieces only. If you actually try to play with the completed project, you have to be so gentle.
I was already getting annoyed at this and the fact that when you buy the big tubs you can't just find directions online or anywhere to build a ton of different things. This makes me seriously not like Lego.
2013 Calendars and More!
KHC could end up on the Today show or something.
My Blog
I would call the customer service line right away and demand an apology letter be sent out to him.
I sent a Tweet about it. Tonight when I get home, I'll scan in the letter they sent and post it to Lego's Facebook page and my own, and write a blog post and Tweet that with a hashtag.
Updated September 2012.
You should put this alllllllll OVER Facebook and Twitter. I'm serious. That's so messed up I can't even stand it.
Are YOU going to write them back again and give them what for?
Yeah that's right my name's Yauch!
Daycare is SO exhausting!
I was trying to teach the kid a lesson in writing polite letters to companies; instead I inadvertently taught him that corporations are generally uncaring and sucky and uncaring and sucky people work for them. Parenting fail!
I figured, they're a children's toy company; surely someone will write a cute little note back to him or something, and he loves getting mail. I sure didn't expect a "you should really be more careful and pay better attention" admonishment from them. lol.
Updated September 2012.
We're kind of going out.
I understand why you're upset and I would have been hoping for the same thing. I just feel like you had a 50/50 chance of your letter being opened by a kid hating assshole. I would be really interested what someone with actual authority at Lego thinks of that response. I'd keep pushing it, free Lego for life!
I love that you had him write the letter!!!!
(piss poor response from them, though.)
No, of course not. I assume (and hope) they're generally a bit more compassionate than that. I'm presuming they don't send four-paragraph lectures to all little kids who write in with a problem.
But, the problem is, no matter what I tell him, KHC now sort of thinks that everyone who works for Lego must be kind of a jerk. It's creating a bit of a dilemma for him in that he loves Legos, but doesn't want to give his money to them. lol. My boy's first moral dilemma!
Updated September 2012.
With your permission I'd like to put this story on my FB page and share it with my mom friend whose son is INCREDIBLY into Legos. This will piss her off mightily and she's well-connected.
Yeah that's right my name's Yauch!
I'm irrationally emotional about this bc it was a perfect opportunity for him to learn a valuable lessen and increase his self worth and someone fukced that up. I hate that pr!ck. He was probably so excited that someone wrote back and to open it. Ok, I have to stop thinking about this. These are the parts of parenting that hurt me a lot.