I am posting this clip once again. It is the TRUTH about Obama. It's an OBJECTIVE analysis of Obama's personality with danger warnings if this man is re-elected. Remain blind if you want. I highly recommend that people watch it with an open mind, that's all. I don't feel like going back and forth arguing with people who love Obama. This is an honest warning about the man! This is not a cheesy clip to sway people. It's the scary truth about this "personality type" being in a position of power.
According to this doctor who specializes in narcissism, Obama will hurt the US and World if he is re-elected.
Narcissism is not a joke. It's a disease that has no cure.....I have a family member who was diagnosed with it. She compulsively lies and loves to hurt others. These people have ZERO empathy for others.
You will not get this unless you listen to the clip in it's entirety.
Re: What a doctor thinks about Obama's Naricissism - he is terrified of him winning re-election!
Dr Vaknin is not a mental health professional and doesnt have a medical degree. His title of Dr derives from his phd in philosophy.
Again, you need to look at the quality and reliability of your sources. A philosophy doctorate is not credible at diagnosing mental illnesses.
I'm not intested in debating Obama or defending him against this piece. I just wanted to point out the falicy of this clip as a useable argument
That's exactly what it is.
You people are brain-washed and do not realize how serious this disease is. This man is a top expert in the field. Obama has this disease!!!
Go ahead and vote for Obama and we'll meet here again in a few years to see how things play out...if he wins (if we are allowed to use computers and express ourselves, that is....
This is this man's specialty. Almost nooone knows as much as this man on the topic of narcissism.
But, believe what you want...
You apparently did not listen to the clip in it's entirety. This man is objective. He knows his sh#t!
He isn't qualified to make such statements. Sorry. He just isn't.
You honestly believe this?
Wow! I think heard you stomp your feet.
No, he is not qualified at all LOL!!!!
"Insanity is [posting] the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
~Albert Einstein (supposedly)
I REALLY do! And, trust me I ignore the cheesy political ads and most other nonsense. I was a psychology major and suspected Obama to be a narcissist after hearing him speak half a dozen times or so. So, I Googled Obama narcissist and founds this clip.
Nope. Just stating objective facts. Thought you liked those.
I'm waiting for some of your Republican friends to weigh in and agree with you.
I'm being serious. Please grow up! If you are about this country pay better attention and have an open mind. Vote for who you want. I am just warning people. Obama is a dangerous man. Most narcissists are charming and hide their true intentions. They are always on....not showing their true side!
He is an EXPERT in the field and knows more than anyone on the topic. Nice try though...
Bye for now...you people worship this man and have your eyes sewn shut.
If it's found via Google, it must be true. I'm convinced now.
This is not about democrats vs. republicans. Grow up! This is about a sociopath. He has you right in the palm of his hand.
Everything found via Google is not accurate. I didn't know that.....roflmao! THIS MAN IS AN EXPECT! BYE!!
For the record- he's a self proclaimed expert. ::stomps feet::
Also, I didn't vote for Obama in 2008 and am not a fan of all his policies. I just dislike Romney more. So you can toss the theory that I'm brainwashed. I'm just logical and question what I hear. I dislike vehemently when people fear monger and run with misinformation like it is a fact...on both sides.
Ypu lack logic and reason and prefer to run off half *** with !!!!! and dismiss any constructive debate. You prefer tin foil hats to rational discourse. Anyone who says 'that isn't the full truth' is dismissed as brainwashed and humping Obama's leg. And frankly, that's just false.
You're missing my point (shocker)
If this video had even an inkling of truth behind it Republicans would be jumping all over it. It would be everywhere. The fact that even people who despise Obama think this is absolute rubbish is a pretty good indication that it is.
Come on you guisssse, she's right. The number one sign of a credible psychologist is that they're willing to diagnose someone they've never met or treated. Plus, Cats majored in psychology.
But we have a bigger problem: I suspect that Romney was a sociopath... so I googled it and look what I foudn!!!!!11! http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/06/14/thom-hartmann-mitt-romney-is-a-sociopath-video/ Don't discredit because it looks like text, if you scroll down there's a video.
Who would make a better presidents? A narcissist or a sociopath? I don't have a background in psychology, but maybe Cats can use her BS to help us find the answer.
Except he isn't an MD in psychology. He reviewed his phd from Pacific Western which caters to people wanting a degree without certification. And his degree is in philosophy. But yea- total expert since he has a degree from a degree mill school in a subject not at all linked to his expertise.
Eta- I have a source for PWU's degree mill status but can't manage to link fromm phone. It's easily found via google.
Probably more because he has no formal qualifications in the world of
psychology, thus no papers in journals and thus no peer review..... so, he
seems to be off the radar.
His "doctorate" is from pacific Northwestern University...... a one time
diploma mill.
From the website of that "doctor" :
I am NOT a mental health professional - read the DISCLAIMER
His "degree" comes from Pacific Western University- which was closed down 6 years ago after being sued by the state of Hawaii. It was never accredited.
His "certifications" in psych counseling techniques, financial analysis, commerce analysis come from what seems to be an online 'make yourself more marketable!' employment scheme called Brainbench.
And finally, at the top of his article about Obama, this:
"Granted, only a qualified mental health diagnostician can determine whether someone suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and this, following lengthy tests and personal interviews. Read the Disclaimer below."
His "expertise" stems primarily from the fact that he was observed to hold several personality disorders himself while being evaluated in an Israeli prison (stock fraud- tsk tsk), including narcissism (somehow, I'm not surprised), which he then later apparently self-diagnosed into the category of "cerebral narcissism." Guess all that faux-education paid off.
But he's on the interwebz, so he must be the real deal!
Please tell me what, specifically, in the video leads you to believe that this man is objective.