I'm angry as hell right now. I'm being marginalized as a Republican by this one man's bull shit. I honestly think Trump's a lunatic. He and his supporters are exactly what the left has tried to stereotype the right as for years and I'm now being thrown into the same group with these bigots in the eyes of the world. The vocal minority is making the rest of us seem like racist assholes.
Trump doesn't respect the laws, principles, or morals that make our country what it is. Trump doesn't love our country because he obviously doesn't understand it. He has no idea what he stands for because his policies are all over the map. He certainly does not stand for or even understand conservative principles.
I literally can't watch the news anymore because I'm horrified at what the GOP is becoming. Trump is single-handedly tearing the party apart and making all of us seem insane. At this rate, we'll never win a general election because 1. Trump might get the nomination and no independent will ever take him seriously (nor should they) 2. Trump won't get the nomination and will run third party, which he threatening to do if the GOP comes down too hard on him (side note: so he's holding a gun to the GOP's head? Really? WTF) 3. Trump has given the GOP such a terrible reputation and the Dems will do everything to marginalize the entire party into a group of bigots.
We need a president who will unite us. I believe with all my heart that the majority of Americans mostly agree on political issues with slight variances and at the end of the day, we want the solutions to the same problems. We need to be reminded why our country is great, not led astray from our basic ideals.
Re: WTF- Trump rant
I have disliked him intensely since that interview he gave Vogue back in 1993 where he said "I cannot believe I am in the prime of my life and I am married."
Right after that, little Marla Maples came from the backstreet to the forefront.
No decent married man, or a decent person, for that matter, makes a claim like that.
He had plans to buy out a landfill in New Jersey (the story behind it is checkered and full of corruption) and on it, build a Trumpville --- high end high rises, expensive retail and another damn "world class" golf course.
He wussied out and ran when he was told he had to remediate the land first before he could start building on it.
North Arlington, Lyndhurst and Rutherford got saved by the bell. Think of the drain on their resources, sewer system and traffic and more.
He is a pig and I detest him.
He's just a ego-maniac, wannabe politician. He has seen he gets a lot of attention for being outrageous...so he just gets more outrageous.
He talks out one side of his mouth about "making America great again" while saying out the other side that we need to block all Muslims from entering the US, whether they are immigrants or just on vacation.
Apparently he and I have very different ideas about what makes America great. I think the freedoms we enjoy in this country are a core and essential component in what makes America great. Yet he blatantly wants to discriminate against people based on their religion. He's a horror show.
It's sad to say, but most millenials seem to see him as he is, but there are far more young people who are Democrats than Republicans. The only way to stop Trump from actually winning the Republican ticket is for Republican millenials to vote, and to vote for one candidate. I think at the end of the day, the real race will be between Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz. Even Carson is starting to fade into the background.
Also-I'm seeing a lot of the Trump lovers starting to shift their second choice from Carson to Cruz. I'm seeing all these articles about how Rubio is a career politician and Cruz is so much better than him. Can someone explain to me how Cruz is not a career politician?
I am a complete Rubio fan, but I'm worrying he's starting to lose votes because his ideas aren't extreme enough - which in my opinion, is what we need in a President. We need someone who can compromise with Congress and who has both Democrats and Republicans in mind when making policy decisions. Nothing has gotten done with Obama, because he won't work with the Republicans in Congress and just vetoes every law they propose. No other candidates in either parties have convinced me that they can turn this problem around.
YES!!! Thank you! I realize the Affordable Care Act has its issues and some beneficial tweaks would be great, but what we had before was barbaric. People with medical conditions who could not buy insurance for any price. People starting on new group plans with their employer, but had to wait one year for the preexisting condition to be covered.
The whole attitude was, if you have the slightest medical problem, go die in the streets. So can we please not throw out the baby with the bath water?
It was PROVEN that she blatantly lied to the American people regarding the attacks in Benghazi. She was contacted some 600 times that help was needed in Benghazi yet those poor men did not get help. Two emails were found where she told her family and the PM of Libya that the attacks killing four Americans were due to terrorist attacks yet she told Americans it was based on a video but "what difference does it make?" She also deleted some thirty thousand emails and did not protect the server. wtf!! She has some nerve running for president. Also, she claims there is a war on women but is married to the war on women. lol
She is a shameless pathological liar.
I would vote for Trump over Hillary any day of the week.
Trump is not always tactful but I honestly feel he is looking out for America's future. London has a no go area where alcohol was removed from shoppers in a Muslim area and women were slammed for wearing short skirts. There are many good Muslims. Trump is friends with many and they agree with his policy. He simply wants to put a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country for safety reasons until we can properly vet everyone. According to Angela Tantaros, an alarming number still believe in Sharia Law.
vlagrl - The next debate is on the 15th on CNN I believe.
I like Rubio too! Exactly! Nothing is getting done with Obama. Hillary recently stated that she would follow many of his policies. Yikes!
It actually isn't unconstitutional to deny foreigners a right to enter this country because they are not citizens.
We are also something like 19 trillion in debt have many homeless here including veterans. To add more of a financial strain to our economy when there are rich areas in the Middle East is asinine, especially when we have an average of 22 veterans a day committing suicide. We can certainly help with food and shelter by setting up safe areas in the ME. Doing this would be less of a financial strain on the U.S.
Islam was banned from the USA in 1952. The immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952, revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today.
Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic.