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Say It Again...Say Anything.
Re: Say It Again...Say Anything.
- Paula Deen to 104.1 KRBE's Producer Eric 9/17/2011
I'm sure this falls into the petty category but it's making me crazy on the May board.
sex=male or female
gender= masculine or feminine
there is no u/s in the world that can tell you what the gender of your kid is, unless he's somehow in utero showing his penis and putting on lipstick.
melrrr I feel like this should/would bother you too.
Many prayers!!!
Nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts. It's like people are afraid to say "sex" or something. I'm pretty sure that even the high risk OB who reviewed my a/s last week used the word "gender." ugh!
I won't. It makes me cry.
i have never made this distinction. sex/gender when we're talking about babies are homonyms to me. .. although to be honest, i never use either of them. if i'm asking, i ask, "are you finding out if it's a boy or a girl?"
oh shoot me now. why did i decide to do the dadgum Bridal Extravaganza?
we pulled the tradeshow booth setup out of storage, and i just set it up in the living room. the magnets on the side panels are not sticking. i wish there was a way to cover tis in glitter and make it look good.
my photography blog
I want to make out with you right now for this.
I don't doubt that you're right - every medical professional I've ever encountered has referred to it as the big "gender ultrasound", not the "sex ultrasound".
How terrible would it be for me to bribe C to go to the nursery at church? He hates it. Like full on nuclear meltdown. But we have to get him in there - we're just not getting much out of church. I thought about bribing him with a new toy or something...
I see nothing wrong with this.
have ya'll tried another church to see if it's something with the nursery at your current church that scares him?
First off, I see nothing wrong with bribing him in this case.
But, playing off Dana's question, my church has a service at 10:45 that is very contemporary by Lutheran standards. All the families love it b/c it's so relaxed, they can just let their toddlers run around.
I don't know what's worse:
feeling sick and being afraid it's the flu
drinking this gawd awful emergence-c to fight it off just in case.
HP, that's a thought. But (whine) I really like it here. I'm going to try it a few times. I hope that whatever freaked him out months ago he's forgotten and will be excited to play, or something. I'm also going to talk to them about it and see if they have suggestions on how to make it easier for a kid.
or mono...sure hoping it isn't mono.
Maybe skip service for a Sunday or two & just play with him in there. See if you can get him more comfortable in that environment.
For what it's worth, we've been having the same experience with Cameron, so I wonder if it's just an age thing. The first time we took him to the "toddler nursery" here, he did just fine. The next week, he walked in fine, but when we started to leave, he freaked. Within 10 minutes, the pager went off for B to go retrieve him. Same story the next week. We haven't tried again since then. We've just been keeping him in the service with us, with quiet toys and LOTS of snacks. If he starts getting too active/restless to stay in the seats, B will get up and stand at the back with him for the rest of the service. Not ideal, but it's what's working for now.
This service is a God send (pun intended!). No judgments if a 4 y.o. takes off down the aisle yelling Yay God!
And they also have colors, book and little toys in individual bags for each child to keep them entertained during service
I really wish I had someone who would just tell me what to do with my job situation. I'm really tired of thinking about it and I'm pretty sure I've analyzed it every way possible, but I still have no real resolution for myself.
They won't put that after 2012 I won't take a 7k pay cut in writing and that is what makes me so nervous and unsure. My current boss has assured me that I have a job in his department at, at least, my current salary should they try to give me a huge pay cut next January. A lot can happen in a year... This may not even be a worry by next December, but I'm seriously freaking out about it and I don't know what to do. at all. *sigh*
I think there's a difference between bribe and reward for good behavior. When DD was smaller she got a donut from the donut shop or chocolate milk from starbucks if she was good. She sat in church with me with a coloring or sticker book. I don't see anything wrong or how it would set him up for future behavior for him to get a treat for being good in the nursery. So there, your concious is absolved.
or like someone said, hang out with him in there for a bit, maybe lessen the amount of time you stay each week and wean him into it.
Today has been a crazy, all over the place day. I stayed up way too late working on a project, then couldn't fall asleep until about 3:45 a.m. I was having a bad dream and woke up at 5:55 a.m. The alarm was set for 6:00 a.m. So I am already dragging to start the day.
Then my mom called at 8:30 a.m. to notify me that my grandpa (her dad) passed away this morning. I am sad for her. I wasn't close to him, so it isn't devastating for me like it was when my grandma died, but there is still sadness for my mom.
On another note, I found out that my extra week of vacation kicks in this year. I thought I wouldn't get it until next year.
AND...we are starting Dave Ramsey on Sunday. It is the 13-week course. We are pumped.
Harmony - that is a lot for 1 day! Good luck with DR again. At least you know a few people personally who can offer help if needed.
My cousin and his wife tried for years and years to have a baby and she's due in April. I'm having more fun planning her shower than I have in a long time...I told DH that I could easily go overboard and I want it to be perfect. Thank you Pinterest.
Hot flashes in January = MUCH more bearable than hot flashes in July.
Although after 6+ months of putting these hormones & chemicals in my body I am fairly certain that I will develop some kind of cancer fairly soon. Seriously, I worry about this
((((Hugs)))) I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of this. It really sucks.