Houston Nesties
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Deep (and not so deep) Thoughts-Say Anything
Re: Deep (and not so deep) Thoughts-Say Anything
I would have had to leave the room.
i'm in my friendswood office. the office next to me is a masseuse.
for the last 2 hours, i have been hearing the pan flute music through the wall. i'm about to crank up some metallica in here.
ok, not really, but i'm tired of panflute!
my photography blog
wedding announcements from then are great too.
I am fascinated by the ins and outs of your job.
I can assure you it's not nearly as fun as it sounds. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, I have to because I sure don't get paid well, but the reality of historic research is that it's mostly tedious.
spine, yes, still... but i was really afraid to hear that it might have spread to her brain. they are now attacking her nausea from a few different angles so that maybe she can eat happily again. step 1, combat dehydration. she is in this evening for 2 liters of fluid via IV.
my photography blog
Such good news! I hope the nausea wanes soon.
my photography blog
Sorry for all that she is going through. She is my prayers.
Great news Jax, but still many t&p for her.
Has anyone heard about any premieres for Hunger Games next month? Like the Amex Twilight screening or the Rayskit HP7 thing. I cannot wait to see this movie!
I hope the pain has subsided enough for her to go home.
I'm so glad to hear the cancer hasn't spread.
Big hugs to you, Jax. Take care of yourself!
I'm so sorry. But it is great that it hasn't spread to her brain. I am really, really hating cancer right now.
I have a FB friend who is a constant Obama basher. I feel so-so about the guy, but it gets quite amusing to see the lengths to which she'll go to slam the guy. Today, she posted a link to a commercial on youtube for Chantix, claiming that they were using subliminal messaging in their advertising to help get Obama re-elected. She insisted that the narrator says, "(Obama support) Chantix has been proven to help smokers quit..." I found great pleasure in letting her know that it said, "Along with support."
I'm still chuckling.
Jax you guys remain in my prayers. Very good news for no spreading.
Miss Jake- I have been searching every site. Nothing yet.
I bet she'll say you only think it says "along with support" and it's really about obama. that is a really deep paranoia for her. $10 says she heard it from someone and soon it will be all over the internet how chantix is pro obama. we'll be reading it on snopes soon.
At first she laughed and said, "Are you sure? It sounds like "Obama support." So I told her to google "Chantix along with support" so she could see that they regularly use that phrase in their marketing. She acknowledged her mistake, begrudgingly.
She's funny.
My old jeans fit again! Granted, they used to be my "fat pants" and I have a looooooong way to go before I can get back into my pre-DS clothes, but it's a start. I'm on a diet and I'm craving carbs like crazy right now. DH is eating pizza and it smells amazing. So I locked the bedroom door and I'm soaking in the tub with a bath bomb from my secret Santa gift (thanks again, Harmony!)
Woo hoo! Congrats!!
Whew, some movies need to be left alone.
According to their facebook page. Tickets go on sale tomorrow Feb. 22. not sure if that includes Houston.
*Squeee!!! Just looked at theatre's near me and it has the count down to purchase tomorrow
I went to a naturalization ceremony today. It was interesting and melted my heart to see all the people that have taken the steps to become an American citizen. 1,800 of them.
Also it made me so proud of my friend. She moved to Colorado the middle of freshmen year of High School from Venezuela. She didn't know english and had only warm weather clothes as her mother spent all her earnings for herself and two children to come to America. Since then My friend has learned english, you would never know it was her second language. She graduated from college while working three jobs and almost two years ago she was accepted into the Teach for America program. This coming summer she will have attained her maters degree. All of that while studying for her citizenship. If that is not the American dream I do not know what is.
It kind of makes me feel like a slacker, ha!